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Citation needed - how to verify stuff ?

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On many pages in the references section I see "Verified by randomusernamehere". I don't know how to format this in text when I want to verify a fix, for example:

{{Fixbox/fix|Install WineD3D|ref=<ref>{{refcheck|user=Suicide_machine{{!}}Suicide Machine|date=August 13, 2016}}</ref>}}

Do I need to write all this, or some of it gets added auto-generated ?

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Thanks. You probably wont believe this, but I never actually saw that  "Templates" button :P


By looking at some other references, I also learned you can give a name to your reference, so if you verify more stuff, you can just write the name for the next one instead of writing everything again.


What are the rules about verifying you own stuff ? For example, like skipping intro movies with a launch parameter, it's not really something major that others need to verify. Can I put a reference there and write a comment "i figured this out myself" or "found in the manual" ?

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What are the rules about verifying you own stuff ? For example, like skipping intro movies with a launch parameter, it's not really something major that others need to verify. Can I put a reference there and write a comment "i figured this out myself" or "found in the manual" ?


There are no explicit rules, but all fixes should have a source. Yes, you should add a comment unless you're simply "verifying" information added by others. Game manual is a great source.

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