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DrG's Funhouse (Challenge Level) [FIXED!]


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DrG's Funhouse!




- 2 Primary Terminals, No Laptops




- All items and upgrades are allowed. Though the use of Gatecrashers is discouraged, it won't make things much easier, so use it if you want.




- This level is has a number of 'traps' which makes it impossible to proceed. These are intentional and meant to force the player to plan each move a couple steps ahead.

- If you find a bug, please let me know. Otherwise, the level *should* run fairly, if not infuriatingly, smoothly.



HINTS (Ignore these if you'd like a purer challenge)


- Alarms can be used to act as a "delayed switch" which might make the timing of certain puzzles easier to deal with.

- Pay attention to guard behavior, especially the way they react to alarms being set off.

- Be careful before disconnecting a link between two different circuits. You never know if they'll come in handy in the future.




One day, while browsing your favorite adult websites, you see a pop-up ad which informs you that you are the millionth visitor to the website! The ad promises you riches and wealth abounding! Being the savvy internet-goer that you are, you immediately click the link because why the hell wouldn't you claim a prize like that?? Unfortunately, instead of cash and jewels, you are presented with a street address and a message which simply says "Come and get it". "Challenge accepted!" you say as you slip into your Spring-Powered Super Slacks and power up your incredibly illegal Crosslink device. Do you have what it takes to claim your prize? Or will you share the fate of the website's former Millionth Visitors and have your lifeless corpse dumped into the gator-infested swamps of southern Louisiana? Might as well give it a shot, eh?

DrG's Funhouse v4.lvl

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The elevators didn't seem to be working...I found out that there is no actual elevator to go between the floors. After I fixed that, you stumped me on the blue trap door. I can't seem to get any of the guards to go up to the blue scanner, and there are no other triggers that cross over to blue. If there's another way to get the blue trap door back open please let me know. As is, I don't think it's possible.

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^ Uh oh, it looks like I uploaded the wrong version of the level as I know I definitely fixed the elevator in the most recent version. Thanks for letting me know - I'll upload the most recent version when I get off of work!

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Ha! I beat it! Level works great now.


That was VERY challenging. I found an alternate path by linking all the doors together on a loop. Here's what my cross-link looked like at the end:



Here's my rating:

Difficulty: 10/10

Fun: 9/10 (especially if you like infuriating puzzles)


Great job.

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Oh, one more thing. I think you put the stairwells too close together in the middle section. You can access all four in a row pretty much bypassing the trap door problem on the right side of the level.

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Ha! I beat it! Level works great now.


That was VERY challenging. I found an alternate path by linking all the doors together on a loop. Here's what my cross-link looked like at the end:



Here's my rating:

Difficulty: 10/10

Fun: 9/10 (especially if you like infuriating puzzles)


Great job.


Thanks a lot, man! I'm glad you liked it. Your screenshot made me smile - a messy crosslink screen is exactly what I was going for with this level. I have a few other levels up right nowif you're looking for more challenges (they're a bit more straightforward than this one, but still fairly difficult).


Also, thanks for the heads-up on the glitchy stairwell. I thought I had spaced them far enough apart, but I guess not. I'll update the OP momentarily!

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