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"It is recommended to play the game with an Xbox 360 Controller"


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Xpadder/Joy2Key are evil. Analog axis become a mere 0/1 this way.

Everybody should try to avoid them as much as possible.


Then I'm not really caring whether one or the other API is more used. I'm beating for everything to be supported.

And I'm very sad when I read about "niches" being snubbed.

Tbh I don't actually see any handicap in playing with DI controllers.. You'll have to configure them perhaps, but that's it.


Using XInput controllers to play DirectInput games is also something I'd like us to explain, sure.


4:3/5:4 are usually not mentioned because if there's even a problem today, is that devs hardcode 16:9 resolutions. But you just write this. You don't write then that 16:10 have bars, and 21:9 and 32:9 etc etc


Last, Glossary:Sound is still faaaaar from being OK. 40% of cases are still probably omitted.

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Xpadder/Joy2Key are evil. Analog axis become a mere 0/1 this way.

Everybody should try to avoid them as much as possible.

I use them to map Dpad/triggers as buttons and I managed to replicate PS1 controls of Tomb Raider II perfectly :P

Also don't be so modest. Glossary:Sound is well made for what it is.

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I use them to map Dpad/triggers as buttons and I managed to replicate PS1 controls of Tomb Raider II perfectly :P

Those tools should be used only as last resort, only when a game has really no controller support.

But I read tomb raider 2 does support them.




Also don't be so modest. Glossary:Sound is well made for what it is.

Pff. Many terms are off, and I still have a heap of tabs saved somewhere with stuff to write in my "essays" in the talk pages.

I'm wondering whether we could include the universal new version of ALchemy also

And last, I love how 90% of references are needed just for A3D stuff :p


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DInput dates back to DX8 so it's pretty much uncommon and mostly dead. Sony did a bad thing by making DS4 DInput only. Shows how much out of touch they are sadly.

Yes we did and I still disagree it's useful for anything, but niche input devices.

So what is the point? Why bother mentioning DInput when barely any users need it unless they cling to their ancient controllers for no reason. DS4 users will use XInput wrapper anyway unless they want to play only few games that support it natively.

PS3 accepts all and every DirectInput controller you put into it. That's why e.g. logitech controllers still have that switch instead of being fully XInput. I actually have Xinput-to-DInput converter there just because of that. Then most of the converters for older controllers like Dualshock 2 and Gamecube are usually DirectInput, so it's still used in places where XInput can't be used (missing buttons or having more buttons and features). 

I'm guessing reason was because XInput is basically Xbox standard which microsoft simply ported over to PC and for same reason they "buried" DirectInput. 


Lately I have been abandoning my wired 360 controller because Dualshock 4 works surprisingly well 99% of the time without any extra software or wrappers. Steam nowdays wraps the inputs if game doesn't support it. To me it feels more like because XInputs control bindings don't vary that it has been simply easy way to implement controller compatibility for games and it does seem like DS4 has become second standard for controllers, not just DirectInput. 


Only problem with DirectInput I have seen is that button mappings aren't standardized so devs use XInput as excuse to be lazy. 


Xpadder/Joy2Key are evil. Analog axis become a mere 0/1 this way.

Everybody should try to avoid them as much as possible.


Then I'm not really caring whether one or the other API is more used. I'm beating for everything to be supported.

And I'm very sad when I read about "niches" being snubbed.

Tbh I don't actually see any handicap in playing with DI controllers.. You'll have to configure them perhaps, but that's it.

I have been saying the same thing on so many steam game community forums I'm almost done with it. Other one is that people are still suggesting MotionInJoy to use with Dualshock 3. 


That's also pretty well said, as with PC gaming there are and will be those niche setups. That's why there isn't WiiUGamingWiki. 

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Yeah some games have issues with it. Also that first thing uses some 3rd-party tool too so it's pretty much same from what I see. The other two are specific to 360.

Thing is some old games such as Mafia/CMR2 support controller remapping of XInput controllers fully so if I used anything global it'd break those.

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Yeah some games have issues with it. Also that first thing uses some 3rd-party tool too so it's pretty much same from what I see. The other two are specific to 360.

Thing is some old games such as Mafia/CMR2 support controller remapping of XInput controllers fully so if I used anything global it'd break those.

The first thing use vJoy. But believe or not, you have every axis working properly. I use that nowadays.

Then, the other 2 drivers does apply to X360 controller.. bur remember that with SCP driver everything is technically using its driver.


Last, you might have not seen XInput plus (which I still have to try tbh)

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