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External URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/ultrabrilliant

Other Places is a set of amazing videos of game locations with terrific production values and great use of music. These striking and hauntingly beautiful videos produced by @ultrabrilliant, a British games journalist. Obviously created on PC, most likely using various tools to hide the interface and clip through the world to find the most interesting and evocative shots. I wonder what the general techniques are for this kind of video capture? Here's a sample:

External URL: http://www.hirezstudios.com/hi-rez/latest-news/view/hi-rez-studios-blog/2013/08/05/hi-rez-communication-focus

Hi-Rez have decided to shut down their server permanently, stating:

More and more players use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, and Reddit to connect and discuss their entertainment of choice. Consequently, fewer players visit official forums long enough to even create an account. In keeping with this observed tendency, Hi-Rez has shifted focus to those social media platforms increasingly over the course of the year.

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