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A redesigned Steam Client I've been working on


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I should stress that this isn't a Steam skin, just a concept of what Steam could look like in the future. While I'm not adverse to change, I didn't care much for yesterday's UI updates. It felt like a step back to me, so I spent some time to finish this up and release it yesterday.











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Oh my gosh...that's brilliant, Nicereddy! Having everything integrated in that very clean, sleek way you've created instead of hidden or separated into individual windows is something which should absolutely be done in a custom skin!

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*snip*I didn't care much for yesterday's UI updates. It felt like a step back to me*snip*

I just got the new theme and don't know if it's just because it's new but it definitly feels step backwards. Everything seems so...floaty and nonprofessional. And they didn't even include old theme file so that it could be switched >_> 

However they seem to have been updating that big picture vibed theme everywhere - except their main site and Android version which was last time updated in 2012 spring.


Your mockup does look like improvement with taking advantage of horizontal space which right now is basically blank space if using maximized window. 

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Blue is such a depressing color to me, I am not sure why.


The overlay is really cluttered but I'd love to have the workshop integrated into the overlay itself. I think it's nicer to be able to actualy see something even with the overlay on imo.


Also the always open friends list is cool but it might be occupying too much screen space (both in the overlay and client).


I guess a more modular/customizable design would work better, if Valve were to ever implement anything like it.


The height for the download stuff might also be a bit too much. You could reduce the size of the avatar and remove the currently downloaded item, seeing as the text itself is really small anyway.

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Oh my gosh...that's brilliant, Nicereddy! Having everything integrated in that very clean, sleek way you've created instead of hidden or separated into individual windows is something which should absolutely be done in a custom skin!



I just got the new theme and don't know if it's just because it's new but it definitly feels step backwards. Everything seems so...floaty and nonprofessional. And they didn't even include old theme file so that it could be switched >_> 

However they seem to have been updating that big picture vibed theme everywhere - except their main site and Android version which was last time updated in 2012 spring.


Your mockup does look like improvement with taking advantage of horizontal space which right now is basically blank space if using maximized window. 

I still maintain that their UI updates have some pretty significant issues in making a cohesive style across the client, with the black/blue essentially "fighting" for dominance over Steam's color scheme. There's also a lot of inconsistency in their use of gradients vs. "flat" elements.


I like the current version a lot more now than I did when this Beta client was released a few days ago, since they've fixed some of my biggest issues with the client since then (mostly the Play button and the chat window's "notification" flashing color).

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btw sorry if I am being really picky, some people really get annoyed by that once in a while

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btw sorry if I am being really picky, some people really get annoyed by that once in a while

I didn't think you were picky, and judging from the lack of responses to your initial post, I think the posters in this thread would agree.


Besides, not everyone perceives color in the same way everyone else does; unfortunately, things like color theory, which dictates blue being a "trustworthy" color, is based off of how the average person perceives color.


Also, I suspect there are more people than you disliking the change. Nicereddy summed up the (potential) reasoning pretty well:


I still maintain that their UI updates have some pretty significant issues in making a cohesive style across the client, with the black/blue essentially "fighting" for dominance over Steam's color scheme. There's also a lot of inconsistency in their use of gradients vs. "flat" elements.


I like the current version a lot more now than I did when this Beta client was released a few days ago, since they've fixed some of my biggest issues with the client since then (mostly the Play button and the chat window's "notification" flashing color).

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