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Watch Dogs PC troubleshooting and research thread

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Quick side-question: I loved the part of the wiki called "selected mods" for Oblivion.

It's really nice when you don't know the game, don't want to modify it too much or break the game but still want some nice improvement.

Well, Oblivion mods section seems somewhat too cluttered... and I'm not even sure "Midas Magic Spells Of Aurum" should be endorsed by us.

It's one of the hundreds of mods which add additional magics/powers/quests... it has nothing so special

Ok I checked and it's the 12th most downloaded mod on the nexus.. so it's something


Even though.. at this point perhaps it would be better to list it in the other information section. It's not something essential, especially considering the already impressive amount of hours you already need to complete the base game


And I find it in general really difficult to find good and up-to-date infos about mods.

Well, that's why we usually list the major modding forums for that game in the General Informations at the top of the page

For example, gtaforums for GTA games, nexusmods for Bethesda games, social bioware for mass effect games and so on


Especially if you're searching for mods which improve the graphics while keeping the original atmosphere (but also for well-done complete-changer ones like Stalker Misery for example).

Well, I checked this Stalker Misery mod.. and indeed, if it's even the half of what it promises.. it's practically an entire new game (and... yes, essential improvements section could also be taken in consideration)


A good example is GTA 3/VC/SA, those games clearly need some mods to update the graphics but if you want something without a ton of supercars and real advertisement, it's quite tricky...

We should just limit to promote those mods which (while still maintaining the "spirit" of the game) fix problems in the game (where with problem one could even mean bad textures). Stuff like previous mentioned Stalker mod could possibly be an exception, if it rivals with the base game itself


The Bethesda and GTA games you mention are at the same time some of the more bugged and more modded games anyway. Thankfully I say. 

Just in these months, GTA III era games are receiving proper widescreen support. Not to mention all the other absurd bugs


I would even say VC and SA are the best pages (of crappy games) I have ever seen and I don't really know how else they could be further improved... but I guess this opinion is biased since I was the main editor


Could we have such recommendations more often in the PCGamingWiki pages? :-D

Sure, just give us more mods! :p


EDIT: I think I went a bit OT... we should stop maybe

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Thanks Mirh for your answer.

Concerning the links to the major modding forums, it's clearly a great help.

Not always easy to find your way through them but hey you're not our babysitters neither! ;-)


Concerning the Misery Mod, it's already on the Stalker PCGamingWiki page, I was just taking it as an example


I agree at 200% with you on that:

We should just limit to promote those mods which (while still maintaining the "spirit" of the game) fix problems in the game (where with problem one could even mean bad textures). Stuff like previous mentioned Stalker mod could possibly be an exception, if it rivals with the base game itself


To conclude this OT (sorry for that, my bad), I'd be really glad to add the best mods I will find to PCGamingWiki.
I didn't find yet how to propose such modification or create a discussion on the wiki about it but I'm going to check it out soon.

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