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Arkham Origins - possible .ini file location


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Location, and a few issues with the game (see bits in bold).


Just a little info, as usual I'm just sharing my observations here to maybe help get people in the right direction (it's late as hell).


From what I can tell, if you want to modify the game's Unreal Engine 3 .ini style values, you need to change these files in the Steam folder:

\Steam\steamapps\common\Batman Arkham Origins\SinglePlayer\BMGame\Config


They matched my in-game settings, and the date modified suggested it was being changed as they were changed in-game. Hopefully we can tweak those files to bind mouse 4&5, which the game for some stupid reason does not recognize. Some people with Logitech controllers are having issues with inverted controls and buttons not matching up; same thing, maybe that can be fixed via those config files.


I also found the FOV a bit narrow, and the camera a little too close to Batman (not sure if it has changed, but it didn't bug me in the other two games). Even if those values aren't there, we might be able to add them manually. I know UE3 has camera settings, I used them in Borderlands 2 for a 3rd person hack.



There is an .xml file where you'd expect to fine the usual UE3 files, and the save file:


C:\Users\username\Documents\WB Games\Batman Arkham Origins\GFXSettings.BatmanArkhamOrigins.xml


It seems to simply mirror the in-game graphics options, though. That's it. So I don't know that it will be very useful.


Not sure about the save game file.



I had strange framerate issues, identical to those in Borderlands 2 - my framerate would go back and forth from 30 to 60. I think there was a way to fix that with framerate smoothing settings. But in both that case and Origins, simply turning off vsync (and leaving the control panel to application setting) fixed the issue. And I don't get screen tearing in either game, despite them going over 60fps much of the time.



Anyway, it's 5am here and even Batman needs sleep once in a while... I'll drop by again tomorrow to see if I can contribute anything more solid. Hope some of that info is useful. Overall it's been a very good port. It runs great on my GTX760, at 1080p with PhysX on High and all DX11 effect enabled.

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Hey, thanks for researching this game, but I have bad news for you. You are right, there are .ini files withing installation folder, however they do not have much impact on the game appart from mouse sensitivity. Key binds are saved in Steam Local repository in this file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata<unique Steam ID>\209000\remote\shared.swp and this file is not in plain text so there will probably no way how to tweak field of view and write custom commands.

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Bah. What stupidity on their part.


Well, I've seen some of these files decrypted (I think Mortal Kombat's was, and it was UE3, right?), so it might just be a matter of time before someone with the skills takes it on. Though there may not be enough overt issues with the game (it's pretty good overall) that anyone would bother.


Even if there's nothing "wrong" with a game, it's so advantageous to be able to tweak these things... :/

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well no FoV slider is pretty big deal for some players. and in my opinion this is not only devs fault, I think it is whole Steam Cloud thing, because if you want to sync key binds, there is no reason to sync whole 50k file, when you can upload just 1k file with compressed data with only used binds.

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Crap, I didn't even realize that Steam Cloud that was responsible for some of this. And key binds are in a separate file for UE3 anyway!


If this keeps up it's going to make tweaking games a real pain.

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kk, I'll check as soon as I get a chance later. I compared to Batman:AC and I had trouble telling a difference (overlaid screenshots in Photoshop, and Batman takes up the exact same screen space, at least). So I might just be totally crazy to complain about it. But it just felt a little off to me, and I'm sure a lot of us would *prefer* wider even if it isn't any different from AC.

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kk, I'll check as soon as I get a chance later. I compared to Batman:AC and I had trouble telling a difference (overlaid screenshots in Photoshop, and Batman takes up the exact same screen space, at least). So I might just be totally crazy to complain about it. But it just felt a little off to me, and I'm sure a lot of us would *prefer* wider even if it isn't any different from AC.


Jinx, can you help produce some high-res screenshots of your findings, even if you can't see a difference?

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kk, I'll check as soon as I get a chance later. I compared to Batman:AC and I had trouble telling a difference (overlaid screenshots in Photoshop, and Batman takes up the exact same screen space, at least). So I might just be totally crazy to complain about it. But it just felt a little off to me, and I'm sure a lot of us would *prefer* wider even if it isn't any different from AC.


I deleted my copy, downloaded it again and now at least first method (key binds) works for me. Second one not though.

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I deleted my copy, downloaded it again and now at least first method (key binds) works for me. Second one not though.

I'm in the middle of checking. Your instructions for the first one didn't match his post when I tried them; the FOV changed, but I lost all controls otherwise except mouse1&2 (couldn't move, bring up menu, etc). I assume because you originally just said to add the line, vs copy everything to that area first. I'll try it that way and do screenshots if it's working, then try the second solution.

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I misread the original instructions first, based on my previous encounters with config files in UE3 and was just adding fov binds. That didn't work for me at first, after reinstall it worked but without any other binds, so I checked them again and found what I overlooked. So now that I have confirmation that it really works, I changed the fix to the current form which is very similar to the other UE3 fov fixes we have here on wiki.


I don't know about the other fix though. It says default FoV is 70, but when I play with fov binds in game, the default fov is slightly above 55.

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Jinx, can you help produce some high-res screenshots of your findings, even if you can't see a difference?

Did you mean the Arkham City comparison? I can redo that if you want., just show the superimposed image?


I thought you meant to make shots of the settings LDK came up with. That setup worked for me, so what I did was take a series of screenshots based on each setting LDK came up with. They are the 1080p jpgs from Steam, so moderately good quality. There are a bunch, about 6mb zipped:




Here's the set of bindings LDK made:

Bindings=(Name="NumPadZero",Command="FOV 0")Bindings=(Name="NumPadOne",Command="FOV 32")Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 75")Bindings=(Name="NumPadThree",Command="FOV 80")Bindings=(Name="NumPadFour",Command="FOV 85")Bindings=(Name="NumPadFive",Command="FOV 90")Bindings=(Name="NumPadSix",Command="FOV 95")Bindings=(Name="NumPadSeven",Command="FOV 100")Bindings=(Name="NumPadEight",Command="FOV 105")Bindings=(Name="NumPadNine",Command="FOV 110")


Here are the names of the .jpg files in the .zip:





























The number after "bm" represents the LDK's preset for the keypad button. In other works, "bm7.jpg" is a 100 fov shot. I took front and rear shots of all the FOV settings by key. 2 (75) seemed the most practical, so I took more shots of that. Again, they have "bm2" in them to let you know the FOV.


Based on playing a little, I'm thinking something like 70 or 65 might be best. 75 (bound to keypad 2) seems a little far away, especially when running etc.


I'll test the other solution next.


And here's a pic showing default vs 75 in a wider angle shot of the city:


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Oh, it might be worth mentioning in the benchmark section that you can combine the "benchmark" parameter with the "-nostartupmovies" one. You just have to put them in that order:
benchmark -nostartupmovies

for them to work. I think it's safe to assume someone benchmarking doesn't want to watch the intro movies lol

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It's just "benchmark" and not "-benchmark"? I've always seen Steam launch options with the "-" prefix.


No "-" prefix in this case. I think that's why you have to put it first. "-nostartupmovies benchmark" doesn't work.


LOL I just tried simply putting "-benchmark" I got no startup movies (?!) but it just took me to the regular title screen. I started Story mode - Continue just out of curiosity (maybe that would run the bench) but it just started the game... except the game was running at like 2x's regular speed or something! There wasn't any sound, either. Talk about weird. Same thing happened with "-benchmark -nostartupmovies".


Okay I need to wake up and get on checking that other FOV tweak...

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