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Single screen multi-player


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AKA Local Co-op or split screen.


Since playing games with controllers is getting more common and gaming on the TV is also getting more popular I think it'd be a good idea to add this. It could probably go into Video settings (maybe?) and would work like the Oculus setting. Only there if true/hackable.


A few games I know support this feature: Portal 2, Left 4 Dead 2 (I believe this requires a hack), Jamestown, Borderlands (hack), Borderlands 2 (hack). Steam also has a list of games with "Local Co-op".


Also, some relevant reddit threads:



Any thoughts on this?

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There are some cases that a single player game may need ports opening - this would be the case for certain types of DRM or launchers or patchers.


Definitely a discrete area just for this - ==Network settings== seems appropriate.


There are lots of situations/settings we may need to cater for, e.g. 

Network ports - simply list port range

Online multiplayer - true/false/hackable - hackable: might have closed master servers, but someone has hacked in a community service, e.g. Supreme Commander and Forged Alliance Forever


Split screen

Shared screen

Keyboard and controller support - e.g. Jamestown you can mix and match kb, m and controller for 4 player local co-op. In Dungeon Siege 3, if you plug in a controller you cannot use kb for 2nd player, you must use a 2nd controller.


There are loads of variables and expceiotns so I'm not sure how to quantify some of these ideas into a simple table.

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I think having the categories Andy suggested plus just an extra "Notes" row at the bottom may be a good way of cleaning up the potential mess the template could become. If something becomes commonly mentioned in the Notes row we could discuss adding it as an official row.

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this thing seems a nice addition to the wikia

actually, i tweaked nearly a week l4d before solving all the possible splitscreen issue

whenever i had the time i could write a guide

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Are you still planning to migrate this to Big List form on the wiki?

Yep, I'll probably do it later today if I find time. I'm also going to add a row for amount of players, anything else you think would be helpful to add?

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Since there's clearly a huge amount of interest in this, I think we may want to make this a Project page. I'm obviously up for heading the project. Just trying to figure out what to name said project.


The Big List of Local Multiplayer Games


The Big List of Couch Co-op Games




Thoughts on a good name for this? I think Local Multiplayer does a pretty good job of encompassing all possible meanings (versus, co-op, etc.) but it could be mistaken for LAN games.

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Local can definitely imply LAN play and co-op would also have to be avoided since that excludes competitive games. Split-screen conflicts with shared-screen and hotseat implementations. Couch doesn't really mean anything in this context. The end result would be something like The Big List of Single-Screen Multiplayer Games (or Same-Screen?); Single-PC/Same-PC is also an option but I don't think that sounds as good.

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The unfortunate thing about that is a lot of commenters on the reddit thread wanted to see if they could do this with a multi-monitor setup as I imagine that'd be more convenient for multiplayer, but Same-PC definitely doesn't sound as good.

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I'm not sure about the naming convention - what do you guys think? From a 'marketing' standpoint - The Big List of ... is quite catchy. However if we go down the route of having large numbers of them then it might get a bit cumbersome. Perhaps we can standardise the naming conventions and styling (using sentence vs title case), e.g. List of 3rd party DRM on Steam, List of low-end games, GOG.com enhancement project, etc.


It would also be nice to have an infobox of some kind to link these projects together. I like using infoboxes to do this as I think it makes more sense, whilst the normal convention on Wikipedia is to use a template at the foot of the page. Should we create a float:right 'seriesbox' type thing just for projects?


Also whilst other projects like the Steam DRM list relies heavily on manual editing, these new lists could be generated using SMW once the templates are completed. So be aware that if you hand create these lists we may be replacing them with SMW lists in the future.

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