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The Mass Effect trilogy remaster everyone wants is already here - thanks to modders


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While everybody is hanging on a mysterious tweet by Bioware (which depending on the mood, is each month working on a new remaster/remake of one of their games), PC gamers already have everything that is needed for a full 4K 999Hz 21:9 VR experience. Seriously. We only miss HDR /s

More about this courtesy of Eurogamer.


"Stand by for clearance Normandy," bellows Captain David Anderson as the iconic ship approaches Citadel Dock 422. Shortly thereafter the wonder of the galaxy's epicentre hits you like a sledgehammer, its empyrean skyline a majestic marvel among the cosmos. However, there exists a monumental issue that has plagued this cutscene for over a decade: it has aged like a fine wine, if only said wine had its cork removed long before it was shelved.

Fortunately, there is a fix. After the divisive denouement of Mass Effect 3 ripped a fissure in the community, a group of fans banded together to rewrite the series' disgruntling culmination. Thus the Mass Effect modding community was born, brewed from a chaotically potent cocktail of discontent and desire for more. "We only have Mass Effect 3 mods because of the terrible endings," Spectre Expansion Mod author Tydeous tells me in a recent interview. "People hated them with such passion that it spawned an entire community that wanted to fix them."

Although the ensuing ending mods were relatively renowned within Mass Effect circles, the movement didn't stop there: accepting the unlikeliness of an official remaster, these dedicated tinkerers decided to work on a complete 4K overhaul of the entire trilogy, as well as orchestrating their own original mods to boot.


The only meaningful downside in my opinion, is that ME2 and ME3 DLCs bundles (even on sale) aren't costing any less than 25€ together. Which is objectively nuts after a decade. And when you can get the whole trilogy for less than half. But that's EA gonna EA.

Shootout to our resident member @Methanhydrat for also being part of these modders.

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