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PointEdit: Advanced level editor [v1.3.1]


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Have you ever wanted to add some sound detectors or fancy looking walls in a level without having to manually edit the .lvl files? Or to be able to place entities anywhere without limitations? Or more?


PointEdit is a custom-made level editor for Gunpoint. Its purpose is to complement the in-game level editor by offering new features and possibilities. Note that it is in no way meant to be a replacement for the in-game editor, but a side tool that can be used to do things that the in-game editor cannot.


Main features:


  • [*:1649h9q3] Loads and saves the same .lvl files that the in-game editor uses
    [*:1649h9q3] Large list of entities that aren't available in the in-game editor
    [*:1649h9q3] Entities can be placed anywhere inside or outside the level borders
    [*:1649h9q3] Copy/paste and duplicate functions
    [*:1649h9q3] Multiple entities can be selected and moved/copied/duplicated/deleted at once
    [*:1649h9q3] Import/export of prefabs
    [*:1649h9q3] Changeable grid size


The entity database (IDs and some descriptions) was created using the discoveries of Andor and Edwardo from the following thread:


It's been a huge help, so thanks to them!


Any suggestions/bug reports/remarks are welcome.


Download the latest version:

(Both links are the same file)


http://www.mediafire.com/download/1yckc ... _1.3.1.rar

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I just finished working on the first draft of the interface and some other things. The new version can be downloaded from the first post.


PointEdit 1.1 - 06/15/2013

  • [*:16um3zwg] Toolbar with File, Options, Entities and Grid buttons
    [*:16um3zwg] Entities can be created from a drop-down list
    [*:16um3zwg] Hide/show entity categories by right clicking on the toolbar icons
    [*:16um3zwg] Save/load prefabs with MouseRight on selection / P
    [*:16um3zwg] Copy/paste entities with Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V
    [*:16um3zwg] Duplicate selection with Ctrl+L
    [*:16um3zwg] Deselect all with Ctrl+D
    [*:16um3zwg] User settings are saved in a .ini file
    [*:16um3zwg] Pressing Ctrl to move groups of entities isn't required anymore

I won't post a new message for each update so as to not spam the forum, but I'll keep editing the first post.

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I've been using this tool a lot lately. Its a very very helpful way to make massive changes. The duplicate feature will help reduce the time it takes to put together a level. Nice!

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  • 3 months later...

Could you make it so the items actually show up? Instead of just blocks. Otherwise, the editor is perfect. :D Its difficult to make levels without really knowing what I'm placing all that much, so could you work on it maybe?

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