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Mission Pack One - 7 New Levels


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**Want the Full Experience sell that Perk and buy it back after**


This is a Map pack Featuring 7 New Levels Made by Me & a friend Who goes by the name "BoozaBell"


These are Short If your plan is to Run & Gun, But if You want to get Ghost and Gentlemen These Map Are Challenging

If you do Play the maps Please Tell us How Liked/Hated these Maps Thank you!



Check Out the trailer:


How To Install:



Hope You Enjoy our maps!

Map Pack Levels.zip

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Is there any way to beat the first level without breaking any glass? I want to make as less noise as possible :c

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Tried and successfully completed all seven. Took a bit of waiting on several levels when minimizing violence due to different circuits for light on the same floor and plenty of glass; not a bad thing, but did make violence all the more appealing. As well, the outside circuits threw me each time because I am just not accustomed to looking outside of the structures for anything except perhaps the obvious cameras. Final observation overall is there are many sparse areas.


On Level 1: A little disappointed in the requirement to break at least a pane of glass. Certainly willingness to break glass makes this level easier, but perhaps a door on the bottom floor on the right building? Still have to cover the same procedures.


On Level 2: Great use of the alarm. Might want to place a small, open structure around the green circuit to draw attention, but otherwise well done for this mechanic.


On Level 3: Thought this was one was the strongest complete level.


On Level 4: The motion detector trap door with the stairwell on top proved a little annoying at times when trying to be nonviolent because you're coordinating two guards patrolling above and the one below. If you could move the trap door, would be great.


On Level 5: Just feels as though half of the map is unused aside from getting the laptop, except the battery in the laptop room and on the roof make breaking the glass a simple choice. Seems an awful lot of level lot of level to leave only for those not breaking glass and choosing to get the laptop.


On Level 6: With two static and three patrolling guards for the overlook of the blue circuit, much of the level seemed redundant and more than a little reliant on fortunate timing or fortunate avoidance of shots. One or two solid walls or removal of guards would make this a smoother level. Also, not sure what the numerous yellow alarms are for.


On Level 7: Due to the glass near one of the terminals, the purple wirejack and use of the green alarm become pointless. The level is thoughtful, but I would consider removing the pane there because this is the latter half of the map; otherwise, blue circuit is just for immediate access to the next to open a single door, which seems a waste of the thoughtful design.


Think this was a well-done pack which made use of a few more complicated mechanics, but it seemed as though I could ignore about half of your work no matter which way I played. Hopefully not coming off as overly harsh, just trying to get some thoughts since we're in the early days of Gunpoint and the editor itself.

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Tried and successfully completed all seven. Took a bit of waiting on several levels when minimizing violence due to different circuits for light on the same floor and plenty of glass; not a bad thing, but did make violence all the more appealing. As well, the outside circuits threw me each time because I am just not accustomed to looking outside of the structures for anything except perhaps the obvious cameras. Final observation overall is there are many sparse areas.


Wow, Thanks for the feedback we really appreciate it!


In a few days we may update the maps based of what you said...




Boozabell will be happy to hear No complaints about button placements, as he Corrected every button i placed on all The maps i made for this pack (2, 5, 7)

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