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Yesterday, I've uploaded a new patch for the classic Max Payne games that solve the major problem related to the fact that those games initialize Direct3D inside DllMain, which can cause lockups and it's the reason why the game doesn't work out of the box on ATI cards, at least without some workarounds.


Here's the discussion thread on VOGONS I've made: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=51579


However, this is the first time I've uploaded a patch to PC Gaming Wiki and I've noticed today that the file isn't accessible to the general public, you have to be logged in (http://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/838-max-payne-series-startup-hang-patch/).


Another patch I've made, for Drakan: Order of the Flame (Drakan AiO Patch), I made it available on Google Drive long time ago before I got the idea I should spread awareness about its existence by editing this wiki, so I just put a Google Drive and 2 other links on Drakan's page (http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Drakan:_Order_of_the_Flame#Community_Patch).


Can I get any help with this issue, please? I've edited Max Payne wiki pages as well but you can't access the file unless you're logged in...

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Thank you for response. It occurred to me in the back of my mind that it might be that. It just came as a bit of a surprise because eg. on ModDB, you get a warning that the file must be authorized first. I did notice now that other files have the Approved by written with the rest of the information. And linking to files on external sites only requires one to solve captcha.

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