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Controller button layout


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Could we have controller buttons template similar to {{key}}? Basically much more visually pleasing method of showing controller button in article. 


I have personally just used "Xbox A, Dualshock X" to this point, latest example I can remember at Azure Striker Gunvolt article, but other usage for example would be telling what buttons were used on console version on older games with generic prompts only. At least for me it's much easier to bind buttons when I have visual reference what buttons are where as rebinding menus may not be ordered in any manner, like with oddworld: abe's odyssee (which has chanting which is difficult to understand by looking at settings menu alone) but I don't seem to be the only one as I just cleaned up Sonic Heroes article that had similar setup for both 360 and dualshock 4 controllers. (Should maybe use that command line argument template to have those cleaner on the page)


This would require some .svg graphics made specifically for all the buttons, which shouldn't be that hard if going with astetic of current theme (nicereddy plz<3) and even if the template isn't being used that much, I don't think there's much of negative impact that it could cause. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm just going to post here. 


Steam Controller needs to be added into prompt list. 



Also how should cursor staying on screen be handled by full controller support? With most cases it's just really annoying thing you can't get off the screen without going to computer and using mouse, but I have now tested couple games where cursos is actively hovering over menu items, making navigating menus with controller impossible, even though game othervice works fully with controller. 

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Aren't its prompts same as Xbox ones?

I have attached couple refs in controllers article with few images on games offering both Xbox and Steam controller prompts.

Letters, colors and layout of main face buttons are the same, so xbox prompts are interchangeable, however games with native support also use prompts for grips (LG, RG) and touchpads instead of sticks (LP, RP). Also icon graphics are differend, 360 graphics have usually really bold and completely colored buttons, while steams (at least official) buttons have smaller, thinner and lighter colored letters on black button with blue outline. 

Also games with native support also has custom haptic feedback, in game option to open controller customization and official bindings with correct aliases for actions. 


There also is already few lists of games that have native steam controller support, so having prompt value would make it easiest to have automatic list of supported games like in Dualshock 4 article. However in this case it would be much much more precise. 

Here's most complete list found: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamController/wiki/official-support

Then google brings this up first, but it has tons of games that indeed does not have native support and people simply mistake XInput support for it: https://steamcommunity.com/app/353370/discussions/0/487870763315363152/


Games with official bindings only are then easy to manually list, but at least for couple games I tested, official bindings are usually XInput buttons in default positions so that game works correctly out of the box. 


I'm also actually amazed that none of the PCGW editors have jumped into steam controller bandwagon at all. When it was released there was TONS of coverage everywhere, but most seemed to focus on controllers feel and general working on games, instead of technical aspects of it, which made me buy the bloody thing just so I could know and test that stuff >_>

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I'm also actually amazed that none of the PCGW editors have jumped into steam controller bandwagon at all. When it was released there was TONS of coverage everywhere, but most seemed to focus on controllers feel and general working on games, instead of technical aspects of it, which made me buy the bloody thing just so I could know and test that stuff >_>

Because the controller is more pricy than X360/XBone/DualShock 3/4 yet feels so much cheaper compared to these? :P

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Also, it's like if you forgot there's that controller with open source driver, bluetooth, rechargeable battery and accelerometers... which isn't exactly what I call "technically inferior".

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Because the controller is more pricy than X360/XBone/DualShock 3/4 yet feels so much cheaper compared to these? :P

And also it doesn't work with any consoles you might have/get in future :p

But 360 controller doesn't have gyroscope and wii u gamepad has teached me to use that, so I have happily replaced my wired 360 with it. 


But people at least were interested about this and there are people with only this controller, so just like with Dualshock 4 and controllers other than 360 in general, I would like to have some proper information up. 

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I'm also actually amazed that none of the PCGW editors have jumped into steam controller bandwagon at all. When it was released there was TONS of coverage everywhere, but most seemed to focus on controllers feel and general working on games, instead of technical aspects of it, which made me buy the bloody thing just so I could know and test that stuff >_>


I jumped on the bandwagon! It's changing a lot, so information would need to be updated constantly. Also I think Valve considers OS X users second-class citizens, so all the problems I have are likely because I'm a Mac pleb :(

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