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Remove Desura store from all game articles

Mars icecream

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Desura's parent company has filed for bankruptcy: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/245334/Desuras_parent_company_has_filed_for_bankruptcy.php



​Two weeks ago I purchased Postal 2 from Desura. I never received any emails from the company and wasn't able to activate my account. I tried "resending" the confirmation several times and cleared my cookies. Steam keys can't be redeemed on Desura without verifying your identity first and I was left with a Postal 2 installer tarball.

​I highly doubt that Desura games get updates anymore. Postal 2 may very well be outdated on the store, since 5020 Hotfix 1 seems to be the latest version of the game and Desura has the 'v1410' release on Linux and the '1409' version for Windows.

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Desura is indeed in this weird limbo, where site is still up and functioning, but it seems like nobodys operating it anymore. So it may just die when domain or server isn't paid anymore or it could get new owners and staff. You would think someone would've taken action if their game is on sale at Desura but profits from sales aren't coming in? 


In any way, I would otherwise agree to, at least for now, removing Desura from availability, but the problem is the games with Desura offering either DRM-Free version or Linux/OS X build of the game that isn't available elsewhere. 


As for Postal 2 situation, as Desuras email is zombie'd (should give it a shot though), I would contact RWS about this. They have been pretty generous of their games Steam keys after they took and updated the game. 

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