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Company pages not including all games


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SMW results are cached, so some results may have been affected during the move to the Company: namespace. You can force an update by doing a null edit (choose edit, then save without any changes). Pages will also correct over time through normal editing.

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So refreshing the page with Refresh under Move doesn't have same effect? I thought it does.

Rockstar Games suffer from this too. GTAIV and Manhunt 2 aren't listed.


Engine pages too. Fox Engine doesn't list Phantom Pain.


And yeah manually refreshing both game page and company page (redirect if applicable) works, bur why wasn't whole wiki refreshed seriously? :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is worse than I thought. Editing game page removes the game from company page and and they won't appear at all for days. MGSV:TPP had this happened 5 times at least :(


EDIT: Just edited Uplink and it disappeared from Introversion Software page. This is baaaad.

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It is worse than I thought. Editing game page removes the game from company page and and they won't appear at all for days. MGSV:TPP had this happened 5 times at least :(


EDIT: Just edited Uplink and it disappeared from Introversion Software page. This is baaaad.

I noticed this as well as this also makes Enhanced Steam links take you to "create page" page instead of actual article and clicking that page creation gives articles edit page with all the stuff already in it. 

They are apparently cached again but it may take several hours. Purging (selecting refresh from pages upper right corner) does this instantly. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping for visibility. This issue is still happening in the aforementioned situations (basically anything using semantic functionality). Prior to the upgrade there was some delay for new/changed semantic associations but established associations broke very rarely if at all.

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