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Kickstarter as a Availability store?

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I was about to create a page for STRAFE which is currently only available via backing the kickstarter but the wiki has no kickstarter option. Could the admins look into adding one? I think it would be a good addiction addition because a lot of devs offer a copy of the game as a backing reward

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I wouldn't consider crowdsourcing sites to be stores, regardless of what they offer. Purchasing the game is only during a limited timespan, as opposed to Early Access where it can be bought at anytime. There's also the more fundamental issue where many of these games may never leave the site and in rare cases, the game ends up being a scam.


good addiction



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I'd have to also be against including Kickstarter since it isn't possible to back a project after the end date (even if the funding goal has been met successfully). Custom backing methods like Star Citizen are fine since they allow new backers at any point.

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I link to the official website when there's no way of purchasing a game, I only use that as a placeholder, until the actual storefronts are setup and whatever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a list of all stores PC Gaming Wiki links to? You should for example add Indie Gala, if the game is available there. I think Is There Any Deal lists "official" retailers, only Nuuvem being questionable because of cross-region selling.


A full list of supported stores can be found in the Editing Guide.

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