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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare


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Great work man.

Though, your screenshots are a bit too much compressed. Wouldn't be possible to have original ones?


Anisotropic filter values could be checked with r_anisotropy or r_textfilteranisomax console commands

And just for records Sledgehammer games already technically (co)developed MW3.

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You may want to update even those that show the in-game menu only. Fonts are pretty tiny imo


Maybe if you're partially blind. I can't post any bigger.


Either I directly link bigger versions which I can't because the forum blocks me from directly linking lots of images (I could only do the video settings images bigger) or I insert them with the sharedmedia=gallery method which auto resizes them.

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Maybe if you're partially blind. I can't post any bigger.


Either I directly link bigger versions which I can't because the forum blocks me from directly linking lots of images (I could only do the video settings images bigger) or I insert them with the sharedmedia=gallery method which auto resizes them.

Maybe I was referring to the images you had 48 minutes ago?


Seems pretty fine anyway now, somebody more experienced with port reports will certainly help you soon (I guess)

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Uhh....I don't think Andytizer approved this, so this is not an official report at all considering how messy it is.

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Thank you very much for your contribution Primey. However this didn't quite meet our quality standards for a normal 'PC Report' and needs some more work before it can be promoted. Most of the issues revolve around not enough text, too many unnecessary screenshots, quite a few typos, attribution to me editing it and Shadow of Mordor which is unrelated, etc. If you could take on feedback which I'm sure other community members will add below this then we can place it on our front page.

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I really don't know what feedback to give but anyway, all the menu screenshots should be retaken without the mouse cursor, you didn't mention anything about how the game reloads the whole level when changing any video settings, or anything more in depth about the cache settings and the rather huge texture issues. There's no mention of the FoV not being available in the SP portion of the game. Another thing (although this is just my personal opinion) is how the options menu is rather awkwardly bound to the space key instead of having it's own menu. There's no comparisions about the texture quality, the Anisotropic Filtering is really such a minor thing it shouldn't even need to be mentioned unless it did some weird things, why you went into such details only for that is beyond me when there's clearly other stuff which should be covered beforehand. You don't need to take 10 screenshots for only one menu, seriously look at other port reports.
There's probably more stuff but I don't exactly have access to the game so I can't help you further.
Most examples to me seem a bit meh, and for the most part some of the descriptions are really just not great anyway. I always try to play in as many locations as possible and try to at least find as many examples as I possibly can. I never re-use the same area twice in my screenshot, or level but really some of this stuff should either just be obvious, seeing as you just have tons of inspiration you could possibly look into from and I honestly really don't know what else to say. The conclusion is simply a mess, there's too much crap in it.
Edit: If it wasn't obvious enough from previous reports you also need to include some kind of intro, someone else could probably just write that. Although you can't just say a game is shit or crappy, seriously at least try to keep it a bit more, decent or something idk. The current intro is too short for the most part anyway. I am pretty sure this is not an early release, from what I understood the game almost took three or two years to be developed or something, might just be rumours but it does seem accurate anyway, I wouldn't say that it's "another yearly COD", it doesn't exactly sound too great when it should be treated as it's own title. 


Otherwise you could use a format similar to these in order to have something easily and quickly setup seeing as you don't want to waste too much time on the intro so you can use these as a template or something.




Seeing as you didn't even mention the multiplayer component in the article I am not even sure if even mentioning it in the conclusion is worthwhile, such specific details should just go into the PCGamingWiki article, not into the report, or neither. You could mention the lack of dedicated servers but honestly I haven't really seen reports talk about the MP component of the game too often, probably never so I'll probably have to think about it and see how you can somehow include it in a better way.


I hope this didn't come off as harsh as I didn't mean to :c

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You can just go a head and delete this topic. I don't care any more. I spent a lot of time on this just to have it shoved back in my face. There's other port reports which weren't hidden and are of the same quality of this one. That's the last time I contribute anything to this site.

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I'm really sorry but that was never the main intent, I was actualy going to fix up your article myself so that we could get it published under your name, I was thinking of how I could help you re-organize it. For the most part I was just brainstorming in order to find whatever else needed to be added or fixed but I really never ment to offend you.

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