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Recording software- and console articles


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Few articles has been starting to bother me: screen recorders and console articles. 


Screen recorder articles are now spread out with articles of single programs. Wouldn't it be much more useful to have one single article explaining what they are and then programs with advantages and disadvantages? Something like super popular Fraps (dxtory is better lol) has basically few lines (http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fraps) and even it's wikipedia article isn't that large (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraps). 


Another thing is console articles. If exluding 360 controller and Dualshock 3 with bit larger articles every other console is basically link to Emulation General Wiki and link to controller article which again is either missing or super stub as usually older controllers weren't exactly USB things. Should controller be included under that consoles article and would there be some more use for those articles? 

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It would be nice a page like that about borderless fullscreen methods


Though, looking at it, I would be really sick of so many alternatives in this case... not because I hate choices..

but because:

1) recommending paid programs is not a trifle like doing the same with free(sometimes even like in speech) ones, and you can't hide behind the evergreen "in case game X is not working you can try plan B at anytime"

2) I really see no point to endorse every single damn program, especially when, frankly, I can't see anything better than MSI Afterburner.

I mean it's invaluable for even many other things: you can overclock, limit framerate, take screenshots (lossless too) and last but not least Rivatuner is not just a common OSD. It can be even extended (example). Oh, and it's 100% free.


Even leaving aside all these (and just focusing on video recording) it's really customizable here, with support for external encoders too (even with GPU offloading). Prerecording is also built-in and can be adjusted to be time based or buffer size based.


I do not want to condemn all the other tools entirely anyway since there is EVGA precision, that is possibly the same thing (just with another skin, not personally tested)

And then I know Dxtory is claimed to support distributed writing, which is using more than a single drive to cache videos (certainly useful if you are recording uncompressed 4K, I guess)


But apart from this... Fraps, Bandicam, Playclaw seems completely fully awful eventually.


Games are the ends, tools are just means

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I really see no point to endorse every single damn program, especially when, frankly, I can't see anything better than MSI Afterburner.



Isn't MSI Afterburner limited to MSI's NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards?

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Isn't MSI Afterburner limited to MSI's NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards?

Absolutely not.

Neither EVGA precision is limited to EVGA cards

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I use Avermedia RecCentral for recording, but that requires an Avermedia LiveGamer HD grabber to work.... but produces fairly nice looking, small files with little to no impact on a PC. Would I add it to such page? Maybe.

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1) recommending paid programs is not a trifle like doing the same with free(sometimes even like in speech) ones, and you can't hide behind the evergreen "in case game X is not working you can try plan B at anytime"

2) I really see no point to endorse every single damn program, especially when, frankly, I can't see anything better than MSI Afterburner.


Wasn't wiki suppose to be objective? Meaning it wouldn't be recommending paid programs, but simply giving information about them. Also there are also free alternatives as well, maybe not as good but still. 

All those programs already have seperate articles, should they then stay seperate and try to expand them? 

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Wasn't wiki suppose to be objective? Meaning it wouldn't be recommending paid programs, but simply giving information about them. Also there are also free alternatives as well, maybe not as good but still. 

All those programs already have seperate articles, should they then stay seperate and try to expand them? 

Wiki should be objective, but it should be even.. how could I say? Clear?


My first point was just a comparison with the plenty of alternatives that are available in the borderlessFS page: we can take the luxury of listing even 5 methods there...

But they are worth it, I mean.. sometimes with older games you really need a different method. And even if a method is completely nuked by another, they are free after all.

Though, nothing stop somebody from releasing something so outstanding that would make 100% surpassed the old methods


Back to video recording matter, as I said in the end, these are just tools. Our goal is recording games, not unfold every conceivable available way of doing it. If there are thing FRAPS can do better, I'll be happy to feature it.


Otherwise it's just another meaningless program. And eventually, if this is is the case, we should have to figure out a way to redirect all the newbs (for which fraps=screencasting) to better solutions. Because I spent an hour looking for these programs today.. and man, there's so much misinformation on the net..

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  • 5 months later...

Is there a general page for this stuff yet? (the recorder thingies)

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  • 1 year later...

If there are thing FRAPS can do better, I'll be happy to feature it.

Well, call me crazy but I have finally found it.

FRAPS (free version is fine too) + this seems to be the best pieces of software out there to measure frame times.

EDIT2: Frame Latency Analyzer Calculator also looks super


It has nothing to do with recording.. but hey, glad to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.

I wonder.. Should we have a Glossary:Benchmarking and Glossary:Screen-something (possibly merging -shot and -cast) pages?


EDIT: dx12 and vulkan this? Which is just a reskinned PresentMon

Now with a GUI too.

TODO: is this still kind of inferior to fcat, even after some improvements?

EDIT2: good and everything you might want, but unfortunately it's W10-only. For previous Windows, GPUView+caveat seems golden.

Afterburner and RTSS in general should be deprecated for these purposes instead.

Edited by Mirh
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Just discovered FCAT (Framerate Capture Analysis Toolkit) is actually freeware! While it doesn't actually record the game, it does provide a highly-accurate representation of the FPS, frame stability (i.e. number of dropped frames), and so on. It even includes a handy reviewer's guide explaining how to use FCAT on both AMD and NVIDIA cards as well as why you'd want to use it over FRAPS and similar tools. Unfortunately, unless you're willing to splurge on a DataPath VisionDVI-DL Capture Card, FRAPS or others will likely remain the only practical options.

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