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Global timer resolution requests (Windows 11)

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The behaviour of the timer resolution on Windows changed with the release of Windows 10 v2004 to be per-process instead of system-wide as previously. This resulted in processes not setting a specific timer resolution on their own falls back to using the default timer resolution of 15.625ms (64 Hz) which can have various effects in games which were developed with the mistaken assumption of the timer resolution being much higher. An example of a common issue of a game using the default timer resolution is an unexpected 64 FPS cap/limit.

Windows 11 received the ability to restore the previous behaviour through a registry value, which is attached here. As far as I am aware this option is not available on Windows 10.



1. Download the appropriate registry file.

2. Open the registry file to add it to the registry of Windows.

3. Restart the system to allow the change to take effect.

After the restart the timer resolution will be set system-wide again as in Windows 10 v1909 or older.

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