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Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission demo - 4:3 menu fix

4 Screenshots

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The menu background for the demo version of the upcoming mod Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission. The vanilla mod's main menu image is stretched at aspect ratios other than 16:9. Seeing as GoldSrc shares resolution settings between games, and most GoldSrc games are designed for 4:3, I figured I wouldn't be the only person bothered by this, and made a simple mod to fix this. The mod will probably also work in the full version when that releases, but will require renaming a folder.


If playing in 4:3, you'll probably also want to edit decaysolodemo/userconfig.cfg to modify the default_fov value. If an FOV isn't defined elsewhere, then just removing the string will work; otherwise just set it to a more sane value like 90.

Thanks to Mr. Mendelli for helping with de-stitching the vanilla background.

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