Welcome to our new Patreon campaign.
Just what on earth is a Patreon? Patreon is kind of like Kickstarter, but instead of lots of money for one big project, we're raising smaller amounts of money over time. Think of it as a virtual tip jar.
We ran our own Kickstarter back in 2012, smashing expectations and raising 440% of our goal. This time, our goals are more long-term: we're not just looking to fund a single project, we're looking for support from our community to buy a shiny new server, to fund on-going projects (PC Reports, Day 1 articles, giveaways) and to reduce our reliance on income from ads.
Patreon is also our way of showing more transparency and to consolidate our donations. I'd like to encourage anyone thinking of supporting PCGamingWiki to do so via the Patreon if possible - payments via PayPal are supported.
PCGamingWiki's aim has always been to be the best place to find PC game fixes, and we will always offer our services for free. If you have ever found the website useful and would like to see it grow, please show your support on our Patreon campaign page.
Thank you,
Andytizer (Founder)
Fixing PC gaming one article at a time
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