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Found method to make Samurai Showdown 2 and Fatal Fury 3 Windows version work on Windows 10


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1.Copy the game folder to HDD to a folder of your choice

2. Set Loader.exe and Samurai2.exe to run in 16-bit color mode.

3.Download Dxwrapper

4.From the downloaded file, copy ddraw.dll, dxwrapper.dll, dxwrapper.ini to game folder

5.Copy following to dxwrapper.ini .Some of it is redundant probably but it does not affect the game.

;; Config file for DirectX DLL Wrapper
;; For details, see: https://github.com/elishacloud/dxwrapper/wiki/Configuration
RealDllPath                = AUTO
WrapperMode                = AUTO
LoadCustomDllPath          =
ExcludeProcess             =
IncludeProcess             =
RunProcess                 =
WaitForProcess             = 0
DisableLogging             = 0

LoadPlugins                = 0
LoadFromScriptsOnly        = 0

Dd7to9                     = 1
D3d8to9                    = 1
DDrawCompat                = 1
Dinputto8                  = 0
DisableGameUX              = 0
DxWnd                      = 1
EnableDdrawWrapper         = 1
EnableD3d9Wrapper          = 0
EnableDinput8Wrapper       = 0
EnableDsoundWrapper        = 0
HandleExceptions           = 0
SingleProcAffinity         = 0

DDrawCompat20              = 1
DDrawCompat21              = 1
DDrawCompat31              = 1
DDrawCompatDisableGDIHook  = 1
DDrawCompatNoProcAffinity  = 1

ConvertToDirectDraw7       = 1
ConvertToDirect3D7         = 1
DdrawFixByteAlignment      = 1
DdrawOverrideBitMode       = 1

AutoFrameSkip              = 1
DdrawEmulateSurface        = 1
DdrawRemoveScanlines       = 0
DdrawReadFromGDI           = 1
DdrawWriteToGDI            = 1
DdrawLimitDisplayModeCount = 0
DdrawUseNativeResolution   = 1
DdrawClippedWidth          = 0
DdrawClippedHeight         = 0
DdrawOverrideWidth         = 0
DdrawOverrideHeight        = 0
DdrawOverrideRefreshRate   = 0
DdrawIntegerScalingClamp   = 0
DdrawMaintainAspectRatio   = 0

AnisotropicFiltering       = 0
AntiAliasing               = 0
EnableVSync                = 0
EnableWindowMode           = 0
ForceMixedVertexProcessing = 0
ForceSystemMemVertexCache  = 0
ForceVsyncMode             = 0
FullscreenWindowMode       = 0
WindowModeBorder           = 0

FullScreen                 = 0
ForceWindowResize          = 0
WaitForWindowChanges       = 0

FilterNonActiveInput       = 0

Num2DBuffers               = 0
Num3DBuffers               = 0
ForceCertification         = 0
ForceExclusiveMode         = 0
ForceSoftwareMixing        = 0
ForceHardwareMixing        = 0
ForceHQ3DSoftMixing        = 0
ForceNonStaticBuffers      = 0
ForceVoiceManagement       = 0
ForcePrimaryBufferFormat   = 0
PrimaryBufferBits          = 16
PrimaryBufferSamples       = 44100
PrimaryBufferChannels      = 2
AudioClipDetection         = 0

6. Launch game via Loader.exe. Colours should display properly and game will run smoothly. If you do not use DXwrapper, game will be very slow to the point of being unplayable. You can not use Full screen but you can adjust game window size

7. Same setting works also in Fatal Fury 3 Windows version. Samurai Shodown 4 Windows version is just a GUI with a ROM, without CD music and runs natively without issues on Windows 10



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On 7/20/2022 at 3:31 AM, petran79 said:

6. Launch game via Loader.exe. Colours should display properly and game will run smoothly. If you do not use DXwrapper, game will be very slow to the point of being unplayable. You can not use Full screen but you can adjust game window size

Erm... nope? The game will be very slow to the point of being unplayable never happened on my Windows 10/11 environment for window mode.

To note: I'm using a standard 60 Hz monitor.

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2 minutes ago, KyoriAsh said:

Erm... nope? The game will be very slow to the point of being unplayable never happened on my Windows 10/11 environment for window mode.

To note: I'm using a standard 60 Hz monitor.

It was the same solution found in the wiki for Bust a move 4, which is also slow. Try to run it without Dxwrapper to see if you have slowdown there too.



Poor performance in Windows 10Link

Using DxWrapper (Windows 10)[1]
Works for both windowed and fullscreen.
  1. Download the lastest release of DxWrapper.
  2. Go to <path-to-game>, and extract dxwrapper.dll, dxwrapper.ini and ddraw.dll (the last one is inside "Stub" folder) there.
  3. Set DDrawCompat=0 to 1 in dxwrapper.ini
  4. Click the Compatibility tab, turn on Reduced color mode, select 16-bit color from the dropdown list, click Apply, then click OK.
  5. Run the game.


Though I think it also has to do with the GPU and drivers. I use a mobile nvidia gtx 1060.

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2 minutes ago, petran79 said:

It was the same solution found in the wiki for Bust a move 4, which is also slow. Try to run it without Dxwrapper to see if you have slowdown there too.



Poor performance in Windows 10Link

Using DxWrapper (Windows 10)[1]
Works for both windowed and fullscreen.
  1. Download the lastest release of DxWrapper.
  2. Go to <path-to-game>, and extract dxwrapper.dll, dxwrapper.ini and ddraw.dll (the last one is inside "Stub" folder) there.
  3. Set DDrawCompat=0 to 1 in dxwrapper.ini
  4. Click the Compatibility tab, turn on Reduced color mode, select 16-bit color from the dropdown list, click Apply, then click OK.
  5. Run the game.


Though I think it also has to do with the GPU and drivers. I use a mobile nvidia gtx 1060.

No no no no no, I don't even checked the compatibility tab or anything, and not even used the Reduced color mode when running the game on window mode.

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4 minutes ago, KyoriAsh said:

No no no no no, I don't even checked the compatibility tab or anything, and not even used the Reduced color mode when running the game on window mode.

you have an older gpu probably that has an advantage on running older games because of older drivers 

They'd run better the games than the  latest gpu without wrappers because they don't spend time optimising their drivers for older games , dropping compatibility 


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1 minute ago, petran79 said:

you have an older gpu probably that has an advantage on running older games because of older drivers 

They'd run better the games than the  latest gpu without wrappers because they don't spend time optimising their drivers for older games , dropping compatibility 


I'm running on AMD Ryzen 5 3600x and AMD Radeon RX 570, in which I don't think it is consider "older GPU"

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7 hours ago, KyoriAsh said:

I'm running on AMD Ryzen 5 3600x and AMD Radeon RX 570, in which I don't think it is consider "older GPU"

are you able to run game  in fullscreen too, because it hangs no matter what. which in-game setup graohic options do you pick? 

try running Puzzle Bobble 4 and post the results 

it seems AMD drivers are better suited. 


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I don't usually run game in fullscreen as I much more prefer in windows mode, especially game as old as this. Of course this game will definitely run "slow" in full screen 640 x 480 mode as DirectDraw is not optimized under fullscreen in modern windows, in which it must rely on 3rd party directx dll to fix it.

Also I'm suspecting the game is using vsync which caused your 144 Hz Monitor unable to render properly in windows mode which caused stuttering issue.

I'm using 60 Hz ViewSonic monitor so I don't have this issue


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16 minutes ago, KyoriAsh said:

I don't usually run game in fullscreen as I much more prefer in windows mode, especially game as old as this. Of course this game will definitely run "slow" in full screen 640 x 480 mode as DirectDraw is not optimized under fullscreen in modern windows, in which it must rely on 3rd party directx dll to fix it.

Also I'm suspecting the game is using vsync which caused your 144 Hz Monitor unable to render properly in windows mode which caused stuttering issue.

I'm using 60 Hz ViewSonic monitor so I don't have this issue


I also have a 60hz monitor non-gsync. 

after tinkering I found the solution. 

It seems except 16-bit mode you also have to set compatibility to Win XP SP3. Then game runs fine.

If you set it to win95/98 game window and windows screen and mouse cursor become slow and if you maximise window, mouse cursor becomes normal but game becomes super fast. 

However it you try to press full screen keys (alt+enter) it freezes and you have to click new game. This only for Samurai Showdown 2.Fatal Fury 3 does not have this issue. 


Also if you click on any menu, eg to change controls, game freezes again. Samurai Showdown again, ff3 works fine. 

in ss2  a"pause" sign appears, yet you are locked from unpausing it as no key works, Enter in that case, like FF3. 

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On 7/21/2022 at 11:24 PM, petran79 said:

I also have a 60hz monitor non-gsync. 

after tinkering I found the solution. 

It seems except 16-bit mode you also have to set compatibility to Win XP SP3. Then game runs fine.

If you set it to win95/98 game window and windows screen and mouse cursor become slow and if you maximise window, mouse cursor becomes normal but game becomes super fast. 

However it you try to press full screen keys (alt+enter) it freezes and you have to click new game. This only for Samurai Showdown 2.Fatal Fury 3 does not have this issue. 


Also if you click on any menu, eg to change controls, game freezes again. Samurai Showdown again, ff3 works fine. 

in ss2  a"pause" sign appears, yet you are locked from unpausing it as no key works, Enter in that case, like FF3. 

In which, I totally didn't set anything for windows mode



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1 hour ago, KyoriAsh said:

In which, I totally didn't set anything for windows mode



the site that had an Iso of the game before it was licensed, two users had similar issues with ff3.I had the same issues unfortunately 


To be able to run the game in Windows 10 and fix the "color 16" you should do the following:
Left-click on the Game icon, = Properties= compatibility =compatibility Mode - Select Windows XP = below that in Setting "Redecued Color Mode = select 16-bit color= OK
Then you can enjoy the Game!


It seems to have issues with Windows 10 and says that its missing something like "color 16" and everything on the screen is jumbled mess of mismatched colors


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Windows 10 and 11 are the same kernel core hence it is not a problem.

I had no problem running 2 games under Win 10/11 (currently 11), either 64 bit and 32 bit (I have notebook installed Win 10 32 bit with much lower spec) and I can confirmed that the above problem didn't happened to me in both computer (only in Windows mode)

For full screen mode, due to the incompatibility with DirectDraw, modified ddraw.dll must be used hence your method is suitable for full screen mode.

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