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[SC: Chaos Theory] Is there a way to enable subtitles for the "native language" sound option?


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I just started playing the Chaos Theory after finishing the original (2002) game, and Pandora Tomorrow.

One feature that I noticed this game has the other two didn't is the ability to enable enemies to speak in their native language instead of the usual English with an accent. I really like that they included such a thing in this game, and it makes playing the game a lot more immersive and realistic.

However, after enabling this, I've noticed that when enemies speak in their native tongue, the game does not give any translations or subtitles, which kinda ruins the experience.

Now, I'm wondering, is there a way to enable subtitles/translations for this via mods or file tweaks in any way?

If there is no such thing available for this right now, I would honestly be willing to do the work myself, and then share it with the community. Can someone point me in the right direction on how I would be able to mod the game myself?

I've noticed that the game files for each NPC conversation are stored for each mission in a packed SS0 extension file which I have no idea how to extract and modify.

I did notice that it is possible to do that because there are videos on youtube that show a compilation of the native sound files. For example:


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