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Spider-Man (2001) Crash Upon Load (Unsolved Again)


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Alright, so I originally posted an inquiry with the exact same name about nine months ago, all the way back in January, here is a link to the original discussion:  



A lot has happened since I originally posted this topic, however, the biggest thing is that I've done several upgrades on my main system, including replacing the motherboard and CPU wholesale.  I was planning on capturing footage of this game for my YouTube channel, but now I've hit this same brick wall yet again, except this time, nothing I've done has solved the problem.  I'm at a complete loss on this now, as the methods of uninstalling and reinstalling the game and manually editing the hex value to not require the disc no longer seem to work.

I honestly don't know if how I got it to work last time was a fluke or not, but it stayed working for months until just today.  If anyone has any advice that hasn't already been covered on the main wiki and in my original post, I'd very much appreciate it.


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It seems that something to do with using dgVoodoo breaks the game.  I reinstalled it to my C drive this time and it booted,  but as soon as I tried applying the dgVoodoo files the game simply doesn't load and then it's bricked until you reinstall it.


This game does crap that makes no sense.

1. I uninstalled the game via deleting the files and having control panel remove the program from the program list, reinstalled the game and it launched with no issues.  That's when I tried applying the dgVoodoo files, which broke the game.

2. I uninstalled that installation using the control panel directly, wiping it from the C drive.  I used the CD launcher to reinstall the game, which succeeded, but when I got to the directory and tried to launch it again, it just didn't work, closed for no reason upon launch, no modifications.

3. Uninstalled THAT installation using the CD launcher's built-in uninstall function and reinstalled AGAIN (mind you, these two completely different installations took different amounts of time to complete, one took about a minute, and the other one took about 30 seconds).  This installation also did not work, no modifications.

WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?  It's driving me insane!

Edited by marioguy789
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What version of dgVoodoo are you using, the latest?

Make sure that you only have your monitor(s) plugged into your NVIDIA GPU, not your motherboard's on-board display outputs (Intel graphics).

You should try installing the game to another drive, or else just C:\    (don't install to Program Files).

When installing the game, make sure to select Maximum installation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would need to know your PC setup but I would take a guess that you are using a AMD card. I have issues using dgVoodoo with this game as DX11 is broken with AMD cards so I'm forced to use the DX12 renderer. It seems that something has changed as now I use to be able to play this game and now it just refuses to run with the DX12 option, which I have the same issues with other games now too. Either AMD made some changes again or something else, but either way I can no longer run this game with this.

So if I want to play I have to remove dgVoodoo and run the game with Disable fullscreen optimizations to get it to run at least. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.

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I actually solved this issue by following the instructions given in by penguin:

I did a clean installation of the game onto a different drive and kept it strictly out of the Program Files directories.  When the game ran for the first time, I also turned off my other two monitors as to not confuse the application.  The game now works fine along with the proper frame limit and dgVoodoo fixes listed in the PC Gaming Wiki page for this game.

Will update to solved.

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  On 9/19/2021 at 6:37 AM, marioguy789 said:


I actually solved this issue by following the instructions given in by penguin:

I did a clean installation of the game onto a different drive and kept it strictly out of the Program Files directories.  When the game ran for the first time, I also turned off my other two monitors as to not confuse the application.  The game now works fine along with the proper frame limit and dgVoodoo fixes listed in the PC Gaming Wiki page for this game.

Will update to solved.


Awesome! Glad to see you have it resolved!

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  On 9/19/2021 at 6:37 AM, marioguy789 said:


I actually solved this issue by following the instructions given in by penguin:

I did a clean installation of the game onto a different drive and kept it strictly out of the Program Files directories.  When the game ran for the first time, I also turned off my other two monitors as to not confuse the application.  The game now works fine along with the proper frame limit and dgVoodoo fixes listed in the PC Gaming Wiki page for this game.

Will update to solved.


Glad to see you got the game working now! That's some good troubleshooting.

Some older games can't handle multiple monitors, like Spider-man: The Movie I think (the game of the movie). It's best to install any old games outside of Program Files if you can, it makes things simpler in terms of isolating potential problems/issues.

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  • 2 months later...


Have been recording footage of this game for my YouTube channel without issue for four weeks straight, went to start recording the LAST VIDEO today and suddenly the application booted with no audio and then just wouldn't boot again, all with no explanation.  I didn't change literally anything from the last time I booted the game to today, and now it won't launch regardless of what I do, I've followed these guidelines again and they don't work anymore.  Another strike against this game, it BREAKS FOR NO REASON and DOES WHATEVER IT WANTS WHENEVER IT WANTS TO.

I've uninstalled all previous installations, installed the application as I did before, installed it to other drives, unmodified and modified.  NOTHING has worked.  I feel like this time was the final straw and it broke forever.  Here I am on the final installment of my playthrough and now the game's just broken and doesn't want to work no matter what I do.  Truly at a loss with this, can't figure it out.  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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I figured out the problem:  Turns out that the game really didn't like the fact that I had accidentally mixed up my default and communications audio devices and that somehow broke the whole application.  Hopefully I can now finally lay this thread to rest.  If you've read any of these last two posts, feel free not to reply, because I shouldn't have gotten so bent out of shape so quickly.

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  On 12/16/2021 at 3:55 AM, marioguy789 said:


I figured out the problem:  Turns out that the game really didn't like the fact that I had accidentally mixed up my default and communications audio devices and that somehow broke the whole application.  Hopefully I can now finally lay this thread to rest.  If you've read any of these last two posts, feel free not to reply, because I shouldn't have gotten so bent out of shape so quickly.


It's interesting how old applications can break with something so simple. I always disable unnecessary audio devices that I don't use, so I didn't encounter the issues you faced.

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