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Morrowind: Japanese fan translation details


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It's been brought to my attention The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind has mods to translate the game to Japanese. How complete are the efforts? It'd be unwise to play this game in a language I don't understand to check for errors.

One such mod appears to be available here. https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510/? (scroll down to "Japanese localization. Integrated patch by TObject. Allows Japanese language fonts in dialogue.")

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Seems to only be in early stages. Going to what I assume is TObject's official website has the expansion packs at 0.03 and 0.05 completion atm...


From the looks of things the Morrowind Code Patch mod basically allows the use of 2-bytes fonts/characters in dialogues and was meant to allow for proper fan-made Japanese localization... One which apparently never got finalized if I understand what I've found correctly.

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Well... Searching a bit more and I found what seems to be a proper Japanese localization that translates a ton of things (all the things maybe?) to Japanese.

Sadly the original website has been terminated following Yahoo's termination of Geocities, but Wayback Machine to the rescue:


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