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Mega Man Legends Installation on Windows 10


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Okay, so a combination of things just happened.  One, I copied the files from the disc directly into a folder of their own, ran the game, and guess what?  Without even needing to modify anything, the lighting seemed to work correctly and there was no aliasing.  (Laughter of an insane man ensues).  That's the good news, the "bad" news, if there is any at this point, is that pressing F7 still tries to window and crashes the game.  So, at the risk of doing messing this up, I am going to backup this directory just in case.  I'm not sure if copying the additional files from the disc solved the issue or what, but it sure seems to have.  Now all that's left is to fix the resolution, which I'm going to hold off on until I get a response to this, again, don't want to mess anything up prematurely.

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lol that's great! I'd say if you've got the right lighting, go for the resolution fix! Backing up the folder isn't a bad idea, I'd just zip the whole thing to be sure. I'm kind of wondering if one of the things in the Megaman.cfg is the render switch. I've been using the one from the Unfinished Business mod it seems to be working okay now. Let me know how things go - you maniac! lol insane man laughter - cracked me up!

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Alright, so I've applied everything, and it's all good so far, I'm just having a slight problem with getting the game to go into full screen, which it was doing by default with the original configuration file.  I guess my game really just doesn't like the function keys too much because F8 also crashes the game when trying to full screen the application, other than that, everything should be okay, I just want to know if you've encountered this issue.

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I've had that happen a few times - I think there's a few things you could try. First try to push the F8 key while the Capcom logo is playing, see if that fixes it. If not, you can try to make sure your dgVoodoo config has the Application Controlled Fullscreen/Windowed thing check marked on the DirectX tab. Then try the F8 thing. If that doesn't work, you might try deleting the dgVoodoo files, trying the F8 and then reapplying the dgVoodoo files. Hopefully one of these works!


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After doing some more testing, I've pretty much decided that just running it in full screen with the original config file is sufficient enough, as I'm still able to tab out and record via OBS by going back in, so that's that for me.

In any case, I appreciate everyone who has contributed to this thread.  I might make an update to the initial post later including the simplified explanation of this setup process, as it worked when simply installing the game and going through the process didn't, at least for me.  I may even have time to make my own video doing this setup myself, seeing as, thanks to you all, it all makes sense.

The "lighting issue" in question on the forum still is not fixed by this process, some shadows are still missing, though fog is reintroduced and some scenes appear to be lit differently.

The audio drifting during cutscenes also remains unresolved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@cloudhaacker @mrpenguinb

Alright, I've elected to attempt installation on my laptop PC since last time, and I'm having some problems unique to this setup.  First, while the game will copy or install, I start the game and the Capcom logo is missing the iv50 codec, so I installed and fixed that.  However, the main problem is, without any modifications, there are no graphics present at all when I start the game, there's sound, but nothing else.  A few seconds in, when the narrator gets to the quantum refractors line, the game skips to the Servbot walking sounds and then crashes.

I can't quite explain these incidents, as I've not encountered this specific set of problems on my desktop PC.  I'm sure that if I could get the graphics going, I'd be able to repeat the same process that got the game working on my desktop.  I actually attempted to go ahead and apply the fixes already, but they didn't work because of these issues.

I have noted that because my laptop actually does have two renderers, that using F7 does switch the DirectX handler without crashing the game, but does not fix the graphics not appearing.  I have attempted running the game in compatibility mode with several different options, but to no avail.

The reason I'm doing this is not only so I can take the game with me, but so I can figure out how to fix issues on many installations so I know what to do on a case by case basis.

Thanks guys.

Edited by marioguy789
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What are your laptops specifications? Such as CPU, Graphics Cards/Chips, RAM. The issue with being unable to run the game on your laptop is probably being caused by the alien GPU's that it has, as Mega Man Legends wasn't designed to run on laptops. That isn't even considering how many slight differences in laptop hardware and specification there are compared to a desktop. dgVoodoo2 should fix the graphical issues on your laptop, as it reinterprets everything that the game will try to do, acting as a blanket/buffer.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, but I do now have the answers to your questions.  First, my laptop's specifications are as follows:

CPU:  Intel Core i5 6300HQ @2.3GHz

Memory:  12GB DDR4 Dual Channel @1064MHz

Integrated Graphics:  Intel HD Graphics 530

GPU:  NVIDIA GeForce 940MX @2GB DDR3

Second, I actually tried applying dgVoodooo and nothing seems to have changed, the application is still just a black screen with the aforementioned effects occurring.  The game is still technically running, as I was able to "start" it, or at least I pressed enter and Mega Man said "Here we go!" but then nothing else happened, it's just an open task.

I know that this laptop is vastly less powerful than my desktop, and I know that laptop chipsets aren't always supported for most applications.  At this point, I'm not sure if it's possible to run Mega Man Legends on this machine or not, I haven't really tried again since two weeks ago.

Anyway, I hope this information helps.

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1. Go to "Display" settings in the Windows 10 Settings app, scroll-down and go to "Graphics settings".

2. Under "Choose an app to set preference", select "Desktop app" and click "Browse".

3. Browse to where Mega Man Legends is located, select the "MEGAMAN.EXE" exectuable and click "Add".

4. The game will have been added to the list in the Windows 10 Settings app.

5. Click "Options". Make sure to select "High performance GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 940MX".

6. Run the game.

Let me know if you have any issues and if it works.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

So anyone who has trouble with the cutscene audio  drifting in the game. I did some settings and tweaking and that seems to have fixed the audio problem, at least for me. Watch this video on how to fix the audio.



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