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Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove Standard/Collectors Editions - Windows 10


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Hi, i wondered if anybody knew or knows of a way to get the game to work on Windows 10, as currently it is the only one that isnt working at all, unless you set up a virtual system and play it using at least before Windows 7 system.


I am not sure really why this is the only one with issues.



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Hello there! Sorry for the late reply.

I decided to test to see if the game does not work on Windows 10 and, fair enough, it doesn't.

I tried using a compatibility mode, no luck. Like you said, it is working on a virtual machine. I tested it out on VMWare Workstation, using Windows XP SP3 Japanese.

As I was installing the program, I noticed the files it was installing. Most of them were .swf files (for backgrounds maybe?) and .flv files for video. Now, all of these files use the soon-to-be-deprecated Flash format, which is no longer compatible with most web browsers or newer operating systems. Maybe that might be the problem.

The only solution right now would be to play the game in a virtual machine or on an old PC with Windows XP or 7 installed on it.

Question for anybody versed in Flash: are there any other solutions to this problem?

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Thank You for your reply, it is so frustrating as this game seems to be the only one in the series that doesnt seem to like Win 10!

I wonder why that is, although i had tried to ask BigFishGames if there was any plans to rerelease a win 10 version, but alas, that fell on deaf ears... partly because the game is now outsourced to new publishers, and the new released are made by a different company, but use BFG to sell them.

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No problem. I tried to do something about this. This is more of a case of a new OS (Windows 10 in this case) not liking the game for the files and the technology it uses (Flash in this case) rather than the other way around.

Flash will be discontinued completely on 31 December 2020. There are currently many projects aimed at preserving Flash-based games on the Internet. I don't know which sites are ideal to talk about this problem, but I'm sure you will find sites dedicated exclusevely to preserving games based on Flash technology. A simple Google search of "flash games preservation" or "flash games troubleshooting windows 10" might show some results.

Have you tried mailing those new publishers? Perhaps someone can reply. Try to send as many emails as possible. As for Big Fish Games, I know this sounds weird, but maybe you can try sending them a proper mail (on paper!) and mailing them to their offices. Don't forget to write your email address, just in case. A standard old mail is quite rare these days. Maybe they would be surprised to see one 🙂

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hi, thanks for the info, 


I haven't actually written snail mail as I'm located in the UK, whereas the BFG head office is located in Seattle, Washington US.

But as the game is 10 years old i will actually try to see if the new developer would consider remaking it as i think they have the rights to the series..


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 "Mystery Case Files 11 - Dire Grove, Sacred Grove CE" Works on latest Windows 10 versions, I just tried it out.


My bad, not the same game.


Edited by Noenko
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