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Taking feedback on redesigned Home page


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The "News" section seems to be overloaded. There is one on the right, left and on top. The one on the right must go. Left is more sufficient.


Both the twitter and notable releases are way below. Who is going to scroll way below?.

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The "News" section seems to be overloaded. There is one on the right, left and on top. The one on the right must go. Left is more sufficient.


Both the twitter and notable releases are way below. Who is going to scroll way below?.


I've removed the left column 'news' section from the Home page, but it'll appear everywhere else.

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I actually like the larger pictures on the homepage, but is there a chance we can halve the length of the recent changes field so it matches up much closer to the end of the twitter field?


EDIT: I take this back, it's only too long when people post too many long descriptions for changes.

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