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G2A extends deadline for key-blocker tool sign ups


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Last month, G2A proposed a key blocker to "help developers blacklist review and giveaway keys on G2A Marketplace."

However, in order to warrant investing resources into the tool, G2A required 100 developers to express interest in the system, and gave a deadline of August 15th.

Today, G2A has announced on their blog that only 19 developers have signed on to the program. In the same post, G2A also announced that they would be extending the deadline for sign-ups to the end of August.

Considering the amount of backlash G2A consistently receives, this low of number of developer sign-ups is definitely surprising. Even with the extension, the odds are not in favor of the key blocker entering development judging from the current trends.

Do you think enough developers will sign-up in time for the end of the month?


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