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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will feature PC-to-console cross-platform matchmaking, controller gamers will play together


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Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, will soon be entering beta testing for PC on September 19th. This beta will showcase the cross-platform multiplayer functionality available between PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Activision has also revealed new details regarding the PC version's matchmaking system in regards to crossplay.

In an interview with DualShockers, Modern Warfare’s Multiplayer Design Director Joe Cecot stated:


We’re going to be matchmaking by peripheral, so if you’re a keyboard player you’re going to play with other keyboard players. But, if you’re a console player and you’re playing on a gamepad you can actually opt in…We also don’t let you change your controller or peripheral mid-match, so once you’ve chosen it, it’s locked in.”

Multiple PC features were also confirmed, including support tor uncapped frame rates, multi-monitor support, HDR rendering, and an FOV slider.

Activision also claims that the port will be “fully optimized”. If this claim turns out to be true, the PC version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will seemingly be the definitive edition.

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I really doubt Activision gives a hoot about the PC platform, why invest in optimization when all your money comes from consoles?  If anything this seems like a desperate clutch to make the PC versions more lively, PC CoD has dismal player numbers and this is just one bandaid to the solution.  If Activision cared about PC, they wouldn't arbitrarily withhold crash/spyro games to resell them a year later, PC is just some place where they bait as much money as possible from.

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