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Developers urge gamers to pirate rather than buy from G2A

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Mike Rose, director of the independent publishing studio, No More Robots, released a series of tweets regarding displeasure towards grey market key re-seller G2A.

His issue was stemmed from Google’s advertisement solutions. In a video he posted on Twitter, he Rose displays himself searching for the No More Robots-published Descenders. The first result displayed is an advertisement to purchase an activation key on G2A, rather than an official web page for the game, or a Steam store page. This is problematic for No More Robots, as they “make zero money on our games if people buy through the ads.”

His follow-up tweet is much more direct, expressing a lately recurring point-of-view among indie developers and publishers.


"Please, if you’re going to buy a game from G2A, just pirate it instead! Genuinely! Devs don’t see a penny either way, so we’d much rather G2A didn’t see money either "

Rami Ismail, co-founder of independent development studio Vlambeer, posted a tweet expanding on why he prefers gamers pirate their titles over purchasing from G2A.


"If you can't afford or don't want to buy our games full-price, please pirate them rather than buying them from a key reseller. These sites cost us so much potential dev time in customer service, investigating fake key requests, figuring out credit card chargebacks, and more."


Considering the lengths many developers and publishers go to prevent piracy, seeing a director prefer piracy over purchasing from G2A speaks volumes on their sentiment.

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"Devs don't see a penny of it anyways"

Well that's because they've already made the money from it.

The number of fraudulent keys on gray market / third party sites is very low.

G2A is not like kinguin for an example where you can just add a key without any verification process.

G2A needs proof of purchase before you can list your key.


But hey, if you feel the need to buy from a third party site, do it from greenmangaming.

They are pretty much legit and offer great prices.

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