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Proposal: VR Template - Add VR Driver VorpX


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Oh nice, just noticed your changes. It will take some time to get to know to this interesting syntax ☺️, but looking at the code samples will make things clear soon. 

A small sidenote: I probably own one of the largest game collections that at least i know of with way over 3500 different games, so expect some edits for a bunch of other games as well ☺️. Just one thing thats abit annoying is that little picture puzzle that i have to solve each time a make a submission, wonder if that coulnd be bypassed by somehow proving my identity permanently.

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Not shure if this is the right place to report such a thing, but encountered a slight "error" or should i say misbehave of a script.

When entering for example G3D, DirectVR into the games table, then save and at a later visit add Z3D beetween G3D and DirectVR,  the line appears as G3D,DirectVR,Z3D on the glossary list.

For me thats not a problem because i can handle it by deleting that line, saving, and adding it again, but since the order of the VorpX mode as described on the glossary page is relevant on how to read that field, another user editing it not knowing about the little "bug" may bring the table slightly into a disorder. 

Not "that" important issue i guess, just thought i better report this because it might affect other scrips as well.

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I'm... not sure this is doable in its current implementation. MediaWiki (the base wiki system) and Semantic MediaWiki (what's being used to build the list of games table) is insanely limited in their functionality, where even the most basic of stuff is difficult or even impossible to do.

There's probably a way I can separate the different modes so when they're displayed on the list of supported games each mode has its own column and a green tick or red cross, but this wouldn't have any affect on the game articles themselves, where the order would be up to every random editor that came along and changed it, so it wouldn't be reliable.

I'd in general recommend rethinking the use of that column/parameter, and decouple the prioritization from it, by rephrasing the relevant bullet on the glossary page to something else and only treat the column as "confirmed modes".

The only other thing I can do is add a sort override to the list of vorpX games table that always either sorts the values by ascending or descending alphabetical order. But that's basically it. It would cause the column to either be ordered "Z3D, SBS, G3D, DirectVR, 2D", or "2D, DirectVR, G3D, SBS, Z3D". There doesn't seem to be a way to utilize a custom order for this, though, hence we're limited to an alphabetical order.

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Thanks for discussing this,
I'd in general recommend rethinking the use of that column/parameter, and decouple the prioritization from it, by rephrasing the relevant bullet on the glossary page to something else and only treat the column as "confirmed modes".
I think this makes more sense,  to still keep our mode order i will simply have an eye at the list in -sort mode-, this way a disordered entry can be identified quickly, and if nessecary ill just correct it (which should be probably a relatively rare case anyway).
 Mode indicates the confirmed 3D-Modes that a game can be played with, where
  • G3D = Geometry Mode (2 Images Rendered seperately for each eye, best and realistic 3D experience),
  • Z3D = Z-Buffer 3D (where the depth of the image is calculated by the Depth Buffer of a game, less realistic 3D),
  • 2D = 2D on a Huge Screen, No Stereo 3D,
  • SBS = Side by Side (Very rare games like Avatar can be run in this mode, realistic 3D),
  • DirectVR is a method used by VorpX to calculate and preset certain values of a game like FOV for example to give the user an automated and optimized VR experience without the need of tweaking ini's ect.
  • If you read G3D for a game only, does not mean other modes are not available, they only haven't been confirmed yet.
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Something else i have noticed that this site seems to be hosted at Hetzner Germany. In the past few days i noticed an extremely slow site, sometimes beeing completely offline for minutes. Looks like their Cloud-Node 10012 is making problems. I phoned hetztner but they dont want to hear about it. "Only the site owner can make a report" they said. - Well then, I just thought i report this here quickly.

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I think the sysadmin have also performed various backend changes that might've contributed. I've forwarded your comment to the relevant Discord channel though.


Re. vorpX, I finally figured out how to sorta achieve a manual sort. It's cumbersome, but works, however due to the way MediaWiki caches property assignments, adding new values (e.g. SBS later down the line) will just add it to the end of the modes on the list of games until the values are entirely removed from the article and then re-added back again... so that would require _another_ manual sort to be added as well, solely for the list... 😐

I'll bench that idea for now, but may revisit the idea sometime in the future.

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Thank you very much again,

Just dont bother big time with it any further, though i have just done exactly the following with a different result:

 - Arma II , -Added G3D, DirectVR , -List shows DirectVR, G3D , - removed the line completely, - added G3D,DirectVR 30 minutes later again and the list shows DirectVR,G3D again even it was empty in beetween ?

Added for a test DirectVR,G3D,Test 1,Test 2, ABC which turned out in a ABC,DirectVR,G3D,Test 1,Test 2, have you left your setting accidentally in alphabetical order ?


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I wonder if this

Just one thing thats abit annoying is that little picture puzzle that i have to solve each time a make a submission, wonder if that coulnd be bypassed by somehow proving my identity permanently.

cant be solved. 

I have a 67k connection but one simple edit takes several minutes where "captcha" is extremely time taking asking me several times to solve the puzzle until i let me pass. Sometimes it takes ages before the realoaded images show up too. 

I read somewhere before putting a user on a special editor list could solve this. -

Besides, why are you using such a thing (which cant even be displayed on many browsers), i run several websites with way easier and faster solutions, for example i ask for a simple random string of letters connected to the requesting ip adress, if a user has entered (copied) the string incorrectly X times, its not a user and will be blocked away for Y minutes. After that an new random string is generated and so on. A bot will never crack this. - If a bot wants to be extra smart and change its ip  adresses, no problem, checking lets say the last 5 attempts on the generated string within a time X will tell those adresses that then can be blocked away for XY minutes as well.  I carfully support my .htaccess so after a while most spam bots are permanently blocked away by daily identifying repeated attempts through the log files. A script and a database could do the same job. There are many easier html/php solutions as "capcha". 

Dont want be critizising too much though ;-)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, In fact profile creators are in need to verifiy/compare the renderer (meant is the DX version, or OpenGL, Glide ect.) that a game is using. Another field showing this information in the glossary table would be a big help. Example: DX8.1,9,OpenGL or DX9/11 or DX6/Glide ect. If nessecary remove a less important informattion, "publisher" or "series" may by such a thing. 

Besides i would like to suggest disallowing or removing "limited" because some unexperienced users may want to enter an official game as "limited" even it isnt. Game profiles always have different modes or settings on purpose, so "limited" may easily lead into confusion. I havent touched that table exept the limit value because i am not shure if its using a special template.

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