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Space Clash


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I bring the hardest game to make work in new PC.


Space clash is an Dinamic Multimedia game of strategy.


The game works fine in any windows without doing nothing except for the space campaign. There are literally 0 info about the game, and the game crashes at starting space campaign.


I made it run emulating a old pc with PCEMU, and DOSBOX with Windows 98 installed on it, but the performance is poor when the game starts to get a lot of units fighting.


Anyone know something about this game? Is possible to run it on modern pc without emulating older cpus?


Thank you,

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You may be able to get the space campaign to start by doing the following:

  1. Download the latest version of dgVoodoo 2.
  2. Extract the contents of the MS folder into the game's installation folder.
  3. Run the game normally.

I have no idea whether this works reliably at this point. Each language was sold separately (so there may be some differences there) and I also had some behavior differences between the versions of Windows I tested it on.


Based on my testing this does not fix the temporary color corruption on the main menu and it may also cause videos to show no picture (you can play the videos on the CD outside the game if you want to see what you've missed).


If this works on your end do let me know what language your game CD is and what version of Windows you're playing on.

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  • 4 years later...


I tested the game in the Italian and English version and it works fine however the Space Campaign doesn't seem to work.


In italian version the space campaign doesn't open at all.

In the English version it starts only if you set 640x480 resolution.


Any idea how can we make it work at higher resolution? the Space Campaign is the best thing about the game.


Thank you.


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