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Gunpoint .lvl File Format


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I have been working on this myself. I have been trying one number at a time and noting the result. I'm 200 in so far and nothing awesome found yet. A lot of the early development stuff seems to be in these early numbers with most numbers causing crashes.


A few possible useful ones are:

30 is a really short wall section.

71 is a floor section between narrow and normal in size

106 gives you a red circuit box, not functional but you could use it as decor I guess.

178 brings up the background image for the mission briefing datapad thing. Not really useful, just sayin :)


Many hours of trail and error so far to find those gems.

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Now we're starting to get somewhere. Here ya go, mostly decor.

224 is also rain

228 is rain splashing on the ground

232 = decor stack of boxes

235 = decor computer cubicle right facing

237 = boardroom table and chairs

253 = street lamp (cannot move in editor)

254 = beige wall section with caution tape at bottom

262 = decor roof antenna

266 = decor water cooler

267 = decor right angle duct work

268 = decor security checkpoint/boom gate

271 = decor photo copier

273 = decor medium plant

274 = decor artwork

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Now we're starting to get somewhere. Here ya go, mostly decor.

Great job!


It's an incredibly tedious process, so if you want to stop, let me know what number you stop at and I'll continue your good work.


Alternatively I could start at the high end and work my way down (although I don't think we'll find anything useful beyond 620 - 622 being Conway taking his initial leap (followed by the phone call, followed by the game crashing because Selena's entity isn't there for her animation to play out)

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I have completed testing and have a full list. I am just organising it into categories (as it is quite large) and will post it up in the morning. But i'll let you open one present early :) The sound detector is 483, I tested it and it's working fine.

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Please note a few of the items once added are not able to be moved within the editor and will need to be positioned manually by editing the coordinates.


Random Stuff

224 = rain

228 = rain splashing ground

244 = rain

667 = rain

668 = rain splashing on ground

388 = decor ???

553 = decor ???

633 = end boss leaps and punches you to death

634 = person at desk talking on phone



30 = tiny wall section

71 = floor smaller than normal, bigger than narrow

422 = alternate floor/roof?

423 = alternate floor/roof short

424 = alternate floor/roof wide

425 = alternate style wall

439 = tiny end piece for alternate style wall

457 = extra tall wall

656 = floor piece different size

679 = tiny floor section

680 = tiny wall section

681 = tiny wall section

682 = medium wall section




426 = alternate style door frame

427 = alternate style window frame right facing

428 = alternate style window frame left facing

431 = alternate style locked door

432 = alternate style open door w/glass

539 = alternate style door open

540 = alternate style door closed

592 = alternate open door

593 = alternate closed door

652 = alternate locked door

437 = large glass ceiling

438 = medium glass ceiling

456 = extra tall door frame


Indoor Decor

235 = decor computer cubicle right facing

414 = decor desk w/ computer

447 = decor back to back desks

530 = decor office furniture

531 = decor 2 office cubicles

545 = decor office workstation

546 = decor office workstations

594 = decor computer desk

683 = decor 2 desks w/ computers

684 = decor 2 desks w/ computers

379 = decor interorgation desk w/ chairs

380 = decor interorgation desk including blood

366 = decor double desk w/ computers

237 = decor boardroom table and chairs

532 = decor boardroom table w/ guns on wall

582 = decor boardroom table & chairs & art

544 = decor TXF board room table

271 = decor photo copier

367 = decor filing cabinets & whiteboard

266 = decor water cooler

232 = decor stack of boxes

273 = decor medium plant

267 = decor right angle duct work

278 = decor single square of ductwork

279 = decor ductwork vent

552 = decor alternate ductwork

274 = decor artwork

449 = decor art, plants, sidebar

275 = decor white couch

450 = decor 2 arm chairs and cofee table

550 = decor orange couch + armchairs

583 = decor bench seats and uncolored plants?

584 = decor bench seat and uncolored plant

587 = decor bench seats and sculpture

512 = decor shelf with storage boxes/shiping containers

368 = decor police evidence shelves?

369 = decor weapons locker

375 = decor morgue

383 = decor autopsy table w/ covered body

500 = decor shiping crates/containers

501 = decor forklift

502 = decor large industrial machine

503 = decor industrial thing?

528 = decor large gun

529 = decor missiles

548 = decor txf reception

590 = decor wall lighting non functional

586 = decor computer servers

533 = decor computer servers

685 = decor computer servers

672 = decor/backwall computer room

585 = decor globe w/ planes

551 = decor steel pipe

276 = decor large datasec sign

297 = taped up elevator door


Outdoor Decor

253 = street lamp (cannot move in editor)

262 = decor roof antenna

268 = decor security checkpoint/boom gate

377 = decor window cleaning lift

378 = decor east point police sign

381 = police cars

382 = decor police sign

580 = decor trees & outdoor lights

589 = decor large satelite dish on platform

677 = decor outside platform etc

547 = decor girder


Back walls

254 = beige wall section with caustion tape at bottom

296 = fancy wooden panel wall

440 = backwall fancy wooden with glass

448 = backwall fancy wooden panel wall

451 = back wall fancy wood panel w/ rooke logo

298 = grey wall (same style as beige wall in editor)

364 = half painted blue brick wall with ladder and roller

511 = backwall under construction

365 = unpainted brown brick wall

433 = back wall dark grey (same style as beige in editor)

454 = back wall large 2 tone grey w/ diagonal lines

470 = backwall single beige tile

491 = backwall

492 = backwall

494 = backwall

496 = backwall brown brick w/steel frame

499 = decor/backwall

505 = backwall analysis lab

506 = backwall chemical storage

507 = backwall fabrication

508 = backwall prototyping

509 = backwall kinetic range

510 = backwall records

671 = backwall prototyping

516 = backwall subway access

564 = backwall large

566 = backwall intex

567 = backwall

568 = backwall large window

569 = backwall large window

570 = backwall large window

571 = backwall intex (purple)

572 = backwall (purple)

573 = backwall large window (purple)

574 = backwall large window (purple)

575 = backwall large window (purple)

576 = backwall 2 windows (purple)

577 = backwall (purple)

578 = backwall (purple) w/ computer desks

579 = backwall (purple w/ computer desks & photocopier

588 = backwall intex lobby

642 = backwall apartment building

541 = elevator shaft



535 = alternative primary objective

669 = objective prototype

670 = objective prototype



384 = red circuit marker

430 = light functional

591 = large fluro light

483 = Functional Sound detector

484 = Silent Alarm - Police arrive in 20sec when activated

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Only for interactive items. The game will tell you what the sound detector is for example when you mouse over it during play. But not decor or anything else.

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