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Editor Feedback


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(Copy from Steam forum)


Nice, simple & fairly powerful editor, just a few minor issues/tweaks/requests;


1. The 'drag left to delete' caused a bit of a problem for me when I accidentally clicked the ground object at the far left. This caused it to vanish, and I was unable to replace it as it's within the deletion zone. A drag-to-recycle bin may be more reliable, or just sticking with the right-click method.


2. The Sound Detector seems to be missing.


3. Allowing custom connections to be created in the editor, rather than items only linking to their nearest pair object (i.e. camera -> alarm, panel -> door) would allow much more creativity from the community.


4. The ability to customise starting gear would be nice, the crosslink, wiretap and resolver options seem to work, but I'm not sure if my character has the same trouser strength & speed as i gained in my campaign or if it's set to max, but it could be seen as a tad powerful. Also, the door kicking upgrade is a bit unbalancing.


Good game though :) Slightly disappointed in the length, but it seems to be a format which could do well from community support.

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I totally agree with you on every point. The sound detector could be very useful for making better and more creative levels. As for the skills, I seem to start with the resolver even if I don't have it enabled on the map. That could be a problem for levels that could be solved much easier with the resolver.

Also, Gatecrashers could be neutralized by using the timed doors (which can't be broken down).

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I agree on every point as well. Some other features that might be nice to have:


  1. The ability to set the size / dimensions of the level.

  • The ability to have more than one functioning elevator.

  • Many of the backdrops and decor seem to be missing as well, it would be nice to have access to a full list.
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I 100% agree with everything you've said (especially custom crosslink connections), and I'd like to add these:


- Multiple elevator lines and possibly some kind of guide to make elevator placement easier. Elevators allow for some cool logic puzzles but only being able to place one line of elevators per map really limits the possibilities.

- Ability to place snipers

- The ability to customize "Zone" size

- There need to be Back Walls without shadows on the top and bottom of them.


If all the stuff mentioned in this thread was fixed (which I don't think should be exceptionally difficult, but what do I know?) I could definitely see myself dedicating some serious time to level-making, but the current state of the level editor feels a bit limited.

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