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Alternative for MotionInJoy for controllers on the PC


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MotionInJoy has been known to be/include malware for quite some time, its drivers cause problems for users' computers with stability or other peripherals, it's so deeply rooted that removing it is near impossible unless you go into the registry, annoying and sometimes inappropriate ads, and always online connection to who knows where and for what reason. My suggestion is that either the Motion In Joy section be removed or at least a warning be added about what I mentioned above. I also suggest adding this Better DS3 GUI for using MotionInJoy completely offline, if you really want MIJ instead of my following alternative.


In addition, Id like to submit a cleaner and safer alternative, XInput Wrapper for DS3. On the PCSX2 forums an active senior member has posted a set of files for allowing the support of up to FOUR PS2 & 3 controllers for both USB and Bluetooth. The installation comes down to as simple as: download, unzip somewhere, and run the xwrapper server. Although the files are from the PCSX2 forum, they will allow use of your PS2/3 controller for any program!

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Thanks for the information. XInput Wrapper certainly sounds better so I've updated the pages to use it instead. It's currently a very basic description; feel free to expand/improve the details. :)

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