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Preventing screen tearing using window mode


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One method of preventing screen tearing is to run the game in a window on Windows 7 and later, where triple buffering is automagically applied to prevent screen tearing. I am using it lately instead of actual vsync and it works wonderful, especially when the mouse smoothness in the game depends on framerate. Even though I have a 60Hz monitor, this way I can run the game with higher framerate to have nice smooth mouse, and yet no screen tearing. I use it in combination with borderless gaming to play in "fullscreen".




Yet, this isn't mentioned in the vsync article here. Is there a reason why not ? I think it is a nice workaround and maybe people are not aware of it.



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One method of preventing screen tearing is to run the game in a window on Windows 7 and later, where triple buffering is automagically applied to prevent screen tearing. I am using it lately instead of actual vsync and it works wonderful, especially when the mouse smoothness in the game depends on framerate. Even though I have a 60Hz monitor, this way I can run the game with higher framerate to have nice smooth mouse, and yet no screen tearing. I use it in combination with borderless gaming to play in "fullscreen".




Yet, this isn't mentioned in the vsync article here. Is there a reason why not ? I think it is a nice workaround and maybe people are not aware of it.



If you want to you could add a keypoint by yourself on any pages where it makes sense, there are no global texts though so this is going to be kinda tedious to edit unless you make a list of the pages you changed.


You could edit the VSync page and add an {{ii}} at the top and write what you felt was important.


Copy this and paste it at the top of the page.

'''Key Points'''
{{ii}} Your Text

I mentioned something related to this screen tearing thing a while ago on this page.



"Eliminates screen tearing on Windows due to V-Sync being applied over any windows by default."



It's too hidden, I also need to rewrite it, I don't really feel like editing things around at the moment though, most pages on the wiki look really bad and in most cases some of the more obscure pages aren't used that often, the current skin also isn't too great which is a little bit off putting in my mind, the wiki looks kinda ugly at the moment, there are a lot of issues I also have with the wiki, I don't have the will to mass edit things at the moment.

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The way Vsync works with the compositor is independent of the game frame rate. It doesn't  sync the game for you. So it will skip frames as it sees fit depending on the framerate. Even if you cap the framerate.
So you will be getting non perfect Vsync but with similar input lag as FSE Vsync. Though if you don't notice then that's fine.
For me, it detracts from one of the pluses of Windowed mode, which is less input lag because no Vsync if you don't want to be playing in FSE.
So if you want to get that in W8/10, you have to use FSE only to get an uncapped framerate with the least latency. A minor quibble.

Windows 7's compositor is infamously bad at vsyncing everything.
What i've tried of W10's isn't too bad tbh.

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