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On the following page http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Glossary:Borderless_fullscreen_windowed

there has been a entry since 2012 for "Windowed Borderless Gaming" but recently it got removed, i figured by error so i added it again.

But it got removed again with the note "Borderless Gaming already works fine enough, there's no need for that many alternatives."

Yet the other 5 alternatives don't seem to be an issue, and in addition a multitude of game wiki's link to the entry regarding game fixes.

Please advice.


Last entry was :

===[http://westechsolutions.net/sites/WindowedBorderlessGaming/ Windowed Borderless Gaming]===
{{++}} Customizable position axis and resolution size.
{{++}} Allows games to lock the mouse to the current window.

# Run the desired game in a windowed mode, {{key|Right Click}} on the '''Windowed Borderless Gaming''' tray icon.
# Click on '''Add window''', then {{key|Alt|Tab}} back to the game and push {{key|F3}}.

{{ii}} Pushing F3 alone is not going to set the game into a borderless mode.

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I believe the problem was more like there were too many programs actually.

And I can only praise RaTcHeT for having streamlined the page so much.


Said this, Borderless Gaming/GeDoSaTo could be even inferior to Fullscreenizer, GameCompanion, ShiftWindow, Windowed Borderless Gaming (I don't know, I did not test any of these softwares)

But I have still to hear complaints about his choice being stupid because in game X other programs work better.


And with them being open source, it's not like these problems couldn't be easily overcome :p

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So it's just that W comes after B in the alphabet?

It's a bit unfortunately and uncommon practice on a actual wiki :-(

And they do actually work different.


Anyways, i figure i'd make a post and see what happens cause when a big wiki like this decides to forward one program and not the other, it obviously has a big impact on the developer.

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So it's just that W comes after B in the alphabet?

It's a bit unfortunately and uncommon practice on a actual wiki :-(

And they do actually work different.


Anyways, i figure i'd make a post and see what happens cause when a big wiki like this decides to forward one program and not the other, it obviously has a big impact on the developer.

I am certain this may have an impact.

But as I said, the previous versions of the page was mindblowing for the average noob.


Anyway, I gave a look to both programs.

Frankly, the program with B seemed way more straightforward. I mean, you just have to click "add to favorites" and you are done.

On the other hand, I must say the program with W had "windows position lock" (or something like that), which I couldn't find in the other.


I would love to read about their differences though, or to know cases where one works better than another. That's sure

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I feel like i should apologize for the title of this tread, at the moment of making it, the wikipage was different (it still had all the other alternatives) that's why i got the impression that someone might have been bias, but that's obviously not the case, so sorry about that.

You just have to click "add window" and the hotkey and you're done. It's pretty straight forward ;-)

Some features are:
Window size options
offset options
Ultra widescreen support for game-engines that change their view-port.
DXWnd plugin to force windowed mode.
Locking mouse to game window.
Hiding mouse from game window.
Can redraw window (for compatibility with some older games)

Features that are still being worked on are:
Purging unused memory (RAM) which should increase performance on older pc's laptops significantly for gaming.
Moving borders off-screen for game-engines that forcibly enforce borders around their games.


Obviously I'm not neutral on the issue, but personally i think between the B and the W you cover pretty much all the functionality all the other alternative's offered together.

So i'd ask you to consider adding the the W back, whatever your decision, thank you for taking the time addressing my issue.

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  • 4 months later...

Up. Sorry for the 4 months delay.

I was checking these programs and I think that your idea of listing features to look for is really smart.
This way we may figure out what is actually bias and what is instead just complaining about things already implemented.
I believe Borderless Gaming and GeDoSaTo (for a lot of reasons) deserve their current mentions, though as pointed out I believe they still don't cover the whole affair (yet?  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For example, is your utility continuously scanning for app to hook? Do you support regular expressions/wildcard characters in paths?

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