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Original files: This is the Unreal Tournament 2004 Community Bonus Pack 2: Volume 1. It is the second half of an unofficial bonus pack for the game. To install the pack, copy/paste the contents of download into the game installation folder. Here are the list of additions: Summary: 20 new maps, 4 new characters, and 2 mutators Characters Bale by Jerome "Loric" Diard Enki by Jerome "Loric" Diard Neil by Jerome "Loric" Diard Tyler by Jerome "Loric" Diard Mutators Angel Item Physics by Rachel "Angel Mapper" Cordone Target Practice Physics by Rachel "Angel Mapper" Cordone Maps BR-Bahera by Ed Duke-Cox CTF-Bahera by Ed Duke-Cox CTF-Botanic by Dave Kostiuk CTF-Pistola by Sidney 'Clawfist' Rauchberger DM-Buliwyf by Nathillien Thilsa DM-Drakonis by VorLoN DM-Kerosene by Paul 'TAZ' Mader DM-KillbillyBarn by Teddie 'teddabod' Tapawan DM-Koma by Warbeast DM-KroujKran by Desperado#2 & Hourences DM-Meitak by Nick 'neoduck' Donaldson DM-Niflheim by Nathillien Thilsa DM-Tempest by Dave Kostiuk, Rogelio Olguin, Ed Duke-Cox, Rachel Cordone DM-TensileSteel by Lruce Bee DM-Torkenstein by Emanuel 'Krolizard' Da Roit DM-Tydal by Rich Black DOM-Gerroid by Anthony 'Radeon' Vogt ONS-Brassed by Emanuel 'Krolizard' Da Roit ONS-Pasargadae by Ed Duke-Cox ONS-Yorda by Warbeast-
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Bonus Pack
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Original files: This is the Unreal Tournament 2004 Community Bonus Pack 2: Volume 1. It is the first half of an unofficial bonus pack for the game. To install the pack, copy/paste the contents of download into the game installation folder. Here are the list of additions: Summary: 21 new maps, 4 new characters, and a mutator Characters Glumpf by Pior Oberson GothGirl by Dominic Qwek Aurora by Jerome "Loric" Diard Karaash by Jerome "Loric" Diard Mutators SpiderSteroids by Rachel "Angel Mapper" Cordone Maps AS-Thrust by Tynan Sylvester BR-Aquarius by Muhammad "MozI" Ahmed and Ed Duke-Cox CTF-Decadence by Paul "Acidpablo" M'Biaka CTF-Deep by Cory "Spoondog" Spooner CTF-Gazpacho by Sidney "Clawfist" Rauchberger and Dave "Anarkist" Kostiuk CTF-Skorbut by Soenke C."Warbeast" Seidel DM-Achilles by Philipp "Soma_pu" Urlich DM-Archipalego by Ed Duke-Cox DM-Azures by Jay Harrison DM-Griffin by Kami DM-Kadath by Guilhem "Gui" Bedos DM-Khrono by Nick "NeoDuck" Donaldson DM-Masurao by Chris "Plutonic" Blundel DM-Reconstruct by Rachel "Angel Mapper" Cordone DM-Summit by Nathillien Thilsa DM-TelmecoMex by Rogelio "Desperado#2" Olguin DOM-Summit by Nathillien Thilsa ONS-Argento by Rogelio "Desperado#2" Olguin ONS-Mirage by Jacob "Reeps" Speer ONS-Tropica by Ed Duke-Cox ONS-Valarna by Frank "Noz" Bakker-
- Maps
- Unofficial
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Original files: This is the Unreal Tournament 2004 Community Bonus Pack 1 Re-release. It is an unofficial bonus pack for the game. This pack is the Community Bonus Pack '03 from Unreal Tournament 2003 converted and modified to fully support Unreal Tournament 2004. Also, a bonus map, DM-Neandertalus, has been added in. To install the pack, copy/paste the contents of download into the game installation folder. Here is the list of maps added (19 total): BR-CBP1-Breaklimit2004 by David Spalinski CTF-CBP1-Betrayal by Magnus Olin ( Converted by Desperado#2) CTF-CBP1-Concentrate by Jan "Luggage" CTF-CBP1-Ferris by Ed Duke-Cox and Jay Harrison ( Converted by Desperado#2) CTF-CBP1-TechDream by Spoondog DM-CBP1-Arkanos by Vorlon DM-CBP1-AugustNoon by Nick Donaldson DM-CBP1-BlackJackal by Jim Russell ( Converted by Desperado#2) DM-CBP1-Downgrave by Clawfist DM-CBP1-Elegance by Ed Duke-Cox and Jay Harrison ( Converted by Desperado#2) DM-CBP1-Emperor by Julien, Gui, Jay, Ed and Gko ( Converted by Desperado#2) DM-CBP1-Finale by Gui DM-CBP1-GoldenDawn by MarkusW ( Converted by Desperado#2) DM-CBP1-Neandertalus by Nathillien Thilsa DM-CBP1-Ougaldwin by Gko ( Converted by Desperado#2) DM-CBP1-Shifter by Clawfist ( Converted by Desperado#2) DOM-CBP1-Aphrodite by Tynan ( Converted by Desperado#2) DOM-CBP1-Hathor by Andrew Beeken and Ed Duke-Cox ( Converted by Desperado#2) DOM-CBP1-Verde by David Spalinski ( Converted by MozI) -
Original file: This is the Unreal Tournament 2004 XP Levels Pack. It is an official free map pack for the game. Note that the original map pack was restricted to Windows XP systems only. The download provided is a modified version that removes this restriction. To install the maps, copy/paste the contents of download into the game installation folder. Here are the list of maps added: ONS-Ascendancy ONS-Aridoom-
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Bonus Pack
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Original file: This is the Linux version of the Unreal Tournament 2004 Mega Pack. It is an official compilation pack/expansion for the game. Here are the list of additions: Summary: All of the Editor's Choice Edition (ECE) Bonus Pack content, and 9 new maps Patches the 32 and 64-bit versions of the game to the latest release (v3369.2) Characters (all from the ECE Bonus Pack) Mekkor Skrilax Barktooth Karag Kragoth Thannis Vehicles (all from the ECE Bonus Pack) SPMA Paladin Cicada Maps AS-BP2-Acatana AS-BP2-Jumpship AS-BP2-Outback AS-BP2-Subrosa AS-BP2-Thrust CTF-BP2-Concentrate CTF-BP2-Pistola DM-BP2-Calandras DM-BP2-GoopGod ONS-Adara (from ECE Bonus Pack) ONS-IslandHop (from ECE Bonus Pack) ONS-Tricky (from ECE Bonus Pack) ONS-Urban (from ECE Bonus Pack)-
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Bonus Pack
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Original file: This is the Windows version of the Unreal Tournament 2004 Mega Pack. It is an official compilation pack/expansion for the game. Here are the list of additions: Summary: All of the Editor's Choice Edition (ECE) Bonus Pack content, and 9 new maps Patches the game to the latest release (v3369) Characters (all from the ECE Bonus Pack) Mekkor Skrilax Barktooth Karag Kragoth Thannis Vehicles (all from the ECE Bonus Pack) SPMA Paladin Cicada Maps AS-BP2-Acatana AS-BP2-Jumpship AS-BP2-Outback AS-BP2-Subrosa AS-BP2-Thrust CTF-BP2-Concentrate CTF-BP2-Pistola DM-BP2-Calandras DM-BP2-GoopGod ONS-Adara (from ECE Bonus Pack) ONS-IslandHop (from ECE Bonus Pack) ONS-Tricky (from ECE Bonus Pack) ONS-Urban (from ECE Bonus Pack)-
- Unreal Tournament 2004
- Bonus Pack
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Original files: This is the Unreal Tournament 2003 Community Bonus Pack 2003. It is an unofficial bonus pack for the game. The pack comes in the UT2MOD format. Details on how to install it are included in the download. Here are the list of additions: Summary: Eighteen new maps and the Angel Fire Mutator Pack. ​Maps CTF-CBP-Betrayal by Magnus Olin CTF-CBP-Concentrate by Jan "Luggage" CTF-CBP-Ferris by Ed Duke-Cox and Jay Harrison CTF-CBP-TechDream by Spoondog DM-CBP-Arkanos by Vorlon DM-CBP-AugustNoon by Nick Donaldson DM-CBP-BlackJackal by Jim Russell DM-CBP-Downgrave by Clawfist DM-CBP-Elegance by Ed Duke-Cox and Jay Harrisom DM-CBP-Emperor by Julien, Gui, Jay, Ed and Gko DM-CBP-Finale by Gui DM-CBP-GoldenDawn by MarkusW DM-CBP-Ougaldwin by Gko DM-CBP-Shifter by Clawfist DOM-CBP-Aphrodite by Tynan DOM-CBP-Gerroid by Radeon285 DOM-CBP-Hathor by Andrew Beeken and Ed Duke-Cox DOM-CBP-Verde by David Spalinski -
Original file: This is the Unreal Tournament 2003 Epic Bonus Pack. It is the second and final official free map pack for the game. Here are the list of additions: Summary: Three new gametypes, two new mutators, two additional features and ten new maps. Gametypes Mutant Last Man Standing Invasion Mutators Pint-sized Combo Camouflage Combo Maps DM-IronDeity DM-IceTomb BR-Canyon DOM-Junkyard DM-Rustatorium DM-1on1-Crash DM-1on1-Mixer DM-Injector CTF-Avaris CTF-DoubleDammage Additional Features In-game OGG Player Custom Announcer Voices -
Original file: This is the Unreal Tournament 2003 Digital Extremes Bonus Pack. It is the first free map pack for the game (out of 2). The pack comes in the No UT2MOD format. To install it, copy/paste the contents of download into the game installation folder. This version should only be used if there are issues using the UT2MOD version (which is available on the Unreal Tournament 2003 wiki page). Note that the game needs to be patched to v2166 or later to install the map pack. Here are the list of maps added: BR-DE-ElecFields CTF-DE-ElecFields CTF-DE-LavaGiant2 DM-DE-Grendelkeep DM-DE-Ironic DM-DE-Osiris2-
- Unreal Tournament 2003
- Bonus Pack
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Original file: This is the Unreal Tournament 2003 Digital Extremes Bonus Pack. It is the first free map pack for the game (out of 2). The pack comes in the UT2MOD format. To install it, just double click on the file and the Unreal Tournament 2003 Installer will automatically open it. If there are issues using the UT2MOD file, a version of the map pack that does not use UT2MOD is available on the Unreal Tournament 2003 wiki page. Note that the game needs to be patched to v2166 or later to install the map pack. Here are the list of maps added: BR-DE-ElecFields CTF-DE-ElecFields CTF-DE-LavaGiant2 DM-DE-Grendelkeep DM-DE-Ironic DM-DE-Osiris2-
- Unreal Tournament 2003
- Bonus Pack
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Original files: ​ This is the Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack #4 (or The Christmas 2000 Pack). It is the fourth and final free map pack for the game. The pack comes in both the UMOD and No UMOD formats. To install it via UMOD installer, just double click on the file and the Unreal Tournament Installer will automatically open it. This is the easiest way to install the pack. To install the pack with the No UMOD files, copy/paste the contents of the "No UMOD" folder into the game installation folder. This way should only be done if the UMOD file does not work. Here are the list of additions: Summary: Two new models, two texture packs and twelve new maps. Models Xan - Mark II WarBoss ​Maps CTF-Beautitude CTF-EpicBoy CTF-Ratchet DM-Bishop DM-Closer DOM-Bullet DOM-Cidom DOM-WolfsBay DM-Grit-TOURNEY DM-Viridian-TOURNEY CTF-Face-SE DOM-Lament][ -
Original file: This is the Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack #1 (or Epic Bonus Pack). It is the first free map pack for the game (out of 4). The pack comes in the UMOD format. To install it, just double click on the file and the Unreal Tournament Installer will automatically open it. Note that this download is not needed for Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition as it comes pre-installed. Here are the list of additions: Summary: Three new models, a package containing six related mutators, and 11 maps. Models Skaarj Hybrid Nali Nali WarCow Mutators Relic of Strength Relic of Regeneration Relic of Defense Relic of Speed Relic of Redemption Relic of Vengeance ​Maps DM-Agony DM-Cybrosis][ DM-ArcaneTemple DM-Malevolence DM-Shrapnel][ DM-HealPod][ DM-Mojo][ CTF-Cybrosis][ CTF-Hydro16 CTF-Noxion16 CTF-Darji16 -
Original file: This is the Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack #3 (or Inoxx Map Pack). It is the third free map pack for the game (out of 4). The pack comes in the UMOD format. To install it, just double click on the file and the Unreal Tournament Installer will automatically open it. Note that this download is not needed for Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition as it comes pre-installed. Here are the list of additions: Summary: Two texture packs and six maps. ​Maps DM-Crane DM-SpaceNoxx CTF-Face][ CTF-High CTF-Kosov CTF-Nucleus-
- Unreal Tournament
- Bonus Pack
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Original file: This is the Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack #2 (or Digital Extremes Pack). It is the second free map pack for the game (out of 4). Part of the pack comes in the UMOD format. To install it, just double click on the file and the Unreal Tournament Installer will automatically open it. Do not overwrite the de.u package as this will lead to network incompatibility. To install the maps (files using the .unr file extension), move them to the "Maps" folder in the game installation folder. Note that this download is not needed for Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition as it comes pre-installed. Here are the list of additions: Summary: Three new mutators and two maps. Mutators Volatile Ammo Mutator Team Beacon Volatile Weapon ​Maps CTF-HallOfGiants CTF-Orbital-
- Unreal Tournament
- Bonus Pack
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