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About This File

Some levels in Painkiller are exclusive to selected difficulty levels (daydream, insomnia, nightmare, trauma), the mod allows playing every level on all difficulty settings. Please note that the levels are still unlocked in normal fashion, everything is not instantly unlocked.

Install by moving "Levels.lua" file to the following directory in the game folder (create folders if they don't exist):


from readme:

The following (previously unavailable) levels are selectable for playing:



Prison (internal name: C2L2_Prison)

Abandonded Factory (internal name: C3L2_Factory)

Forest (internal name: C3L6_Forest)

Pentagon (internal name: C6L4_Pentagon - BOOH)



Prison (internal name: C2L2_Prison)

Forest (internal name: C3L6_Forest)

Pentagon (internal name: C6L4_Pentagon - BOOH)



Forest (internal name: C3L6_Forest)



City On Water (internal name: C5L1_City_On_Water)

Docks (internal name: C5L2_Docks)

Monastery (internal name: C5L3_Monastery)

Hell (internal name: C5L4_Hell)


source: http://pkzone.org/files/mods/

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