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Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX - 60hz/60fps Camera Judder Fix

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About This File

This patch fixes the camera judder for Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX running at 60hz/60fps. 

Steam Instructions:
- Download both IPS patches

Patch globalgamemanagers file:
- Use RomPatcher.js (https://www.marcrobledo.com/RomPatcher.js/) or use an IPS patching utility
- For ROM file select "globalgamemanagers" file from X:\Game Folder\Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX_Data\
- For Patch file select "Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX [Steam b7318394]-60FPS_Fix1.IPS"  
- Click apply and save the "globalgamemanagers.txt" to X:\Game Folder\Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX_Data\
- Rename "globalgamemanagers.txt" to "globalgamemanagers" overwriting the original file

Patch Assembly-CSharp.dll file:
- Use RomPatcher.js (https://www.marcrobledo.com/RomPatcher.js/) or use an IPS patching utility
- For ROM file select "Assembly-CSharp.dll" file from X:\Game Folder\Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX_Data\Managed\
- For Patch file select "Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX [Steam b7318394]-60FPS_Fix2.IPS"  
- Click apply and save the "Assembly-CSharp (patched).dll" to X:\Game Folder\Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX_Data\Managed\
- Rename "Assembly-CSharp (patched).dll" to "Assembly-CSharp.dll" overwriting the original file

HUGE thanks to KingKrouch for his Super Neptunia RPG Movement Stutter Fix, I was able to apply this same method to fix several games now

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Added a secondary patch for possible 50hz reset similar to the demo version
Updated patching info

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Hi! I Just tried this fix on the demo and it doesn't work, it still judder at anything that isn't 50Hz. The patch is only for the full game?

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1 hour ago, sixelalexis said:

Hi! I Just tried this fix on the demo and it doesn't work, it still judder at anything that isn't 50Hz. The patch is only for the full game?

Hi sixelalexis,

Sorry this patch only works on the full game. I took a look at the demo and the file is slightly different so I created a fix for that as well. The demo fix upload is waiting for moderators to ok it, but I will try attaching the fix to this message too. 

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX Demo-60FPS_Fix.IPS

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19 minutes ago, loafyx said:

Hi sixelalexis,

Sorry this patch only works on the full game. I took a look at the demo and the file is slightly different so I created a fix for that as well. The demo fix upload is waiting for moderators to ok it, but I will try attaching the fix to this message too. 

Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX Demo-60FPS_Fix.IPS 16 B · 0 downloads

Thanks! Just tried and, while it works at first, after you lose all lives and you restart a level the whole thing breaks. Can happen even after you die. At that point even selecting another level doesn't fix it, you have to close the demo and open it again. Is it something that happen with the fix on the full game as well?

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5 minutes ago, sixelalexis said:

Thanks! Just tried and, while it works at first, after you lose all lives and you restart a level the whole thing breaks. Can happen even after you die. At that point even selecting another level doesn't fix it, you have to close the demo and open it again. Is it something that happen with the fix on the full game as well?

I just retried the full game and lost all lives did a retry, lost all lives again did an exit, and a restart of the level and the fix seemed to be working solidly.  So I think that's just something with the demo. it must be getting reset somewhere else, will see what I can find then. 

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5 hours ago, sixelalexis said:

Thanks! Just tried and, while it works at first, after you lose all lives and you restart a level the whole thing breaks. Can happen even after you die. At that point even selecting another level doesn't fix it, you have to close the demo and open it again. Is it something that happen with the fix on the full game as well?

Hey I just took another look at the demo, I think I found the reset. I tested a few times dying over and over as well as multiple levels and every thing looks stable now.

Still seeing some issues with this demo fix


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I've tested the full version of the game for a while now this eve and I've not had any issues so far. I'm still looking at the demo, but I'm not sure how much time I'll spend on it since the full version seems to be working without issue. Hopefully others who have tested it can chime in with their experience. 

Sorry the demo fix is janky currently

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On 6/30/2022 at 3:54 AM, loafyx said:

I've tested the full version of the game for a while now this eve and I've not had any issues so far. I'm still looking at the demo, but I'm not sure how much time I'll spend on it since the full version seems to be working without issue. Hopefully others who have tested it can chime in with their experience. 

Sorry the demo fix is janky currently

I understand. The issue is especially noticing on the retro graphic, without all the parallax is much easier to see how much it judder. Well, if I end up getting the full game I will surely give it a try to the fix, thank you 🙂

p.s. so you can use this fix on any Unity game? I noticed that lately (thanks to Steam Next Fest) this isn't a thing anymore for most indie/AA games, but until some years ago it was a plague.

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3 hours ago, sixelalexis said:

I understand. The issue is especially noticing on the retro graphic, without all the parallax is much easier to see how much it judder. Well, if I end up getting the full game I will surely give it a try to the fix, thank you 🙂

p.s. so you can use this fix on any Unity game? I noticed that lately (thanks to Steam Next Fest) this isn't a thing anymore for most indie/AA games, but until some years ago it was a plague.

So far I've had luck with 60hz fix's for a few unity games that I've had this issue with personally (Alex Kidd, Actraiser, Deadly Premonition 2, Exo One, and Tormented Souls). And I've tried and failed to fix/patch Disco Elysium, Empyrion Galactic Survival, and Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster, but I'm sure I'll keep trying as I have time.

And yeah I don't think this is as much a problem anymore with newer Unity titles. I think Unity corrected the default Fixed Timestep setting maybe within the past year? Though it seems some devs are still managing to mess it up. I really wish the devs of these older games would just fix their code...

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Thank you so much for doing these hacks, phenomenal work 🙂 This actually makes this a viable version of the game now, running as consistently as the 60Hz original!

Without meaning to pester you, there's obviously no obligation and it may not necessarily be possible anyway, do you think 120Hz versions of these hacks would be possible and easy to implement? Basically so we can have higher frame rate camera+player movement for displays that support it

Regardless, again a big big thanks for your hard work on these, so happy we can finally improve 50fps Unity games!

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On 8/29/2022 at 8:00 AM, jazzem said:

Thank you so much for doing these hacks, phenomenal work 🙂 This actually makes this a viable version of the game now, running as consistently as the 60Hz original!

Without meaning to pester you, there's obviously no obligation and it may not necessarily be possible anyway, do you think 120Hz versions of these hacks would be possible and easy to implement? Basically so we can have higher frame rate camera+player movement for displays that support it

Regardless, again a big big thanks for your hard work on these, so happy we can finally improve 50fps Unity games!

Thanks so much, I'm glad you've been enjoying the fixes. I've been super happy I've managed to patch the ones I have so far. I keep trying to patch more as time permits, as well as keep up with the updated game versions for the ones I've done so far. Its really a shame how many Unity games have these issues.

And yeah, I do think 120hz patches may work for some Unity games. If you look at a game like Outer Wilds. That game supports a 120hz fix from the dev with a config file (essentially modifying the same unity values I am) Though I'm unsure of the impact on the in game physics with that change. If you wanted to test a 120hz fix I'd give it a shot on one of the games I have already patched at 60hz, should be an easy enough adjustment. Just shoot me a message and let me know.

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