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Fall of Cybertron Debug Camera controls

About This File

This file is only allowed since the multiplayer in FoC no longer works, so it can't be used for cheating.

From https://web.archive.org/web/20151211054918/http://www.deadendthrills.com:80/forum/discussion/301/guide-transformers-fall-of-cybertron

I ported over what I think are all of the texture streaming changes from the modified TWfC Coalesced.ini and have added the re-enabled debug camera and other useful binds. Backup the Coalesced.ini file you have in ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Transformers Fall of Cybertron\TransGame\Config\PC\Cooked and replace it with this one. Also, here is the decrypted ini file with these changes added.

You can edit the ini file yourself if you want with the decrypter/encrypter (and here). Just make sure to backup your original ini file before making changes.

Key Binds Used
Bindings=(Name="F2",Command="FOV 0")
Bindings=(Name="F2",Command="FOV 25",Alt=true)
Bindings=(Name="F3",Command="FOV 30")
Bindings=(Name="F3",Command="FOV 35",Alt=true)
Bindings=(Name="F4",Command="FOV 40")
Bindings=(Name="F4",Command="FOV 45",Alt=true)
Bindings=(Name="F5",Command="FOV 50")
Bindings=(Name="F5",Command="FOV 55",Alt=True)
Bindings=(Name="F6",Command="FOV 60")
Bindings=(Name="F6",Command="FOV 65",Alt=true)
Bindings=(Name="F7",Command="FOV 70")
Bindings=(Name="F7",Command="FOV 75",Alt=true)
Bindings=(Name="NumpadTwo",Command="Slomo 0.1")
Bindings=(Name="NumpadThree",Command="Slomo 0.3")
Bindings=(Name="NumpadZero",Command="Slomo 1")
Bindings=(Name="Left", Command="DebugCamStrafe -400 | OnRelease DebugCamStop")
Bindings=(Name="Right", Command="DebugCamStrafe 400 | OnRelease DebugCamStop")
Bindings=(Name="Left", Command="DebugCamTurn -20000 | OnRelease DebugCamStop",Alt=True)
Bindings=(Name="Right", Command="DebugCamTurn 20000 | OnRelease DebugCamStop",Alt=True)
Bindings=(Name="Up", Command="DebugCamMoveForward 400 | OnRelease DebugCamStop")
Bindings=(Name="Down", Command="DebugCamMoveForward -400 | OnRelease DebugCamStop")
Bindings=(Name="Up", Command="DebugCamPitch 20000 | OnRelease DebugCamStop",Alt=True)
Bindings=(Name="Down", Command="DebugCamPitch -20000 | OnRelease DebugCamStop",Alt=True)

F1 -- Toggles HUD
FOV Control
F2 -- FOV 0 (resets to default FOV)
F3 -- FOV 30 (+ALT for 35)
F7 -- FOV 70 (+ALT for 75)

Time Control
Subtract-- PlayersOnly (freezes everything but your avatar)
NumpadTwo -- Slomo 0.1
NumpadThree --Slomo 0.3
NumpadZero -- Slomo 1
Alt + T or Backspace -- Debug_TimeStepRun (stops all motion including your avatar and allows you to increment time by pressing Alt + T again)
Alt + R or Insert or Alt + Backspace -- Debug_TimeStepDisable (disables time step)

Debug Camera Control
ALT + C -- DebugCameraStrategy (this is your normal free camera, use this to move around and then switch to DebugCamera for fine control)
ALT + X -- ToggleDebugCamera
Left Arrow -- Strafe Left (+ SHIFT for fine control)
Right Arrow -- Strafe Right (+ SHIFT for fine control)
ALT + Left -- Turn Left (+ SHIFT for fine control)
ALT + Right-- Turn Right (+ SHIFT for fine control)
Up Arrow -- Move Forward (+ SHIFT for fine control)
Down Arrow -- Move Backwards (+ SHIFT for fine control)
Alt + Up -- Pitch Up (+ SHIFT for fine control)
Alt + Down -- Pitch Down (+ SHIFT for fine control)

Note: If the camera is too slow and you need to move it a large distance, you can increase the movement speed quite a bit by slowing down time with slomo. Slomo 0.1 makes the camera move very quickly, just remember to set slomo back to 1 before trying to turn the camera.

Not sure how these are useful below but I left them in just in case the camera gets screwed up. If it does, set the camera to "default" and it should be back to normal.
Alt + Delete -- Set Debug Camera to Default
Alt + End -- Debug_CameraFirstPerson
Alt + PageDown -- Debug_CameraThirdPerson
Alt + PageUp -- Debug_CameraFixed
Alt + Home -- Debug_CameraFixedTracking
Alt + Insert -- Debug_CameraFree

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