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Silent Hill 4 PC Fix by Steam006

About This File

Allow custom resolutions
Allow 30 FPS in cutscenes
Disable Maximized Windowed Mode on newer Windows versions
DirectX 12 Support
Restore missing hauntings
Increase the resolution of background screens
Increase FOV
Fix map aspect ratio
Disable system check
Disable safe mode
Disable cutscene borders
Modify blur effect
PS2 like brightness
Anisotropic Texture Filtering
Disable DirectX fog
Wallhack (F1)
Wireframe mode (F2)
Invert X and Y axis (F3 and F4)
Modify sensitivity (Page up and Page down)

1. Copy all the files to your Silent Hill 4 install folder.
2. Configure your options in Silent_Hill_4_PC_Fix.ini. (Optional)
3. Start the game with SILENT HILL 4.exe.

dns - Silent-Hill-4-Wide-Screen-Patch
WidescreenFixesPack team


What's New in Version 2.0.1


Changelog 2.0.1:
Added support for d3d8.dll replacements such as d3d8to9 and WineD3D by renaming their d3d8.dll to d3d8R.dll
Bug fixes

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DLLinjector  does not work 
i played the game for some time yesterday but when i came to play it today it wont launch by DLLInjector 

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On 8/3/2020 at 10:54 PM, lupin77 said:

Just like with SH3 the game refuses to launch but without it it runs just fine 😕 Windows 10 Pro x64 I'm wondering if its something to do with Defender?


*Edit* Turns out it was the widescreen asi in the scripts folder for both games. I guess common sense I should've removed them before hand.

I don't have scripts folder in sh4 and it still doesn't work 

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Works great on GOG v1.0CU (those functions that available for GOG)

@Steam006Can you somehow fix the irrational sensitivity of Y-axis 1st person camera (very obnoxious port issue) - i mean that X and Y speeds are completely different, up'n'down motions VEEEERY fast. And, yeah, I can adjust X-axis sensitivity in your ini-config to match Y, but it will be too fast overall.

So I'd rather prefer your

Sensitivity = 0.06666667

option in Silent_Hill_4_PC_Fix.ini affected both axes or It had separate Xsens and Ysens adjusters

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On 8/12/2022 at 10:53 AM, skifexx said:

Works great on GOG v1.0CU (those functions that available for GOG)

@Steam006Can you somehow fix the irrational sensitivity of Y-axis 1st person camera (very obnoxious port issue) - i mean that X and Y speeds are completely different, up'n'down motions VEEEERY fast. And, yeah, I can adjust X-axis sensitivity in your ini-config to match Y, but it will be too fast overall.

So I'd rather prefer your

Sensitivity = 0.06666667

option in Silent_Hill_4_PC_Fix.ini affected both axes or It had separate Xsens and Ysens adjusters

Sure I will do this in the next version.

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Hey Steam006, first of all, thanks for your efforts on getting these games playable. 

May I ask you a question? Is it possible to fix the Alt+Tab freezing problem of the GOG version in one of the next versions of your patch? Also, can you remove DLLInjector.exe and the .ini file associated with it, like you did in Silent Hill 3? I know the .exe file is false positive, but having to add an exception to Defender is annoying imo, though it is not that hard. 

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On 12/12/2022 at 9:26 PM, justanotherarda said:

Hey Steam006, first of all, thanks for your efforts on getting these games playable. 

May I ask you a question? Is it possible to fix the Alt+Tab freezing problem of the GOG version in one of the next versions of your patch? Also, can you remove DLLInjector.exe and the .ini file associated with it, like you did in Silent Hill 3? I know the .exe file is false positive, but having to add an exception to Defender is annoying imo, though it is not that hard. 

Yes I will return to SH4 soon.

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Is it possible that you can re-enable the Japanese language option for the GOG release? Apparently, the data is still there so it should be possible just like the Enhanced Edition devs did for SH2. I would do it myself, but I'm not very tech savvy.


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Is there something I can do to enable me to alt+tab my game without everything going to hell?
Aside from not alt+tabbing, of course.

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2 hours ago, Gabrilos said:

Is there something I can do to enable me to alt+tab my game without everything going to hell?
Aside from not alt+tabbing, of course.

You can Quit to Title and then Alt-tab, this won't break the game graphics. Select "Continue" to load the last checkpoint in the game. 

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On 1/5/2023 at 8:23 PM, arhummk said:

You can Quit to Title and then Alt-tab, this won't break the game graphics. Select "Continue" to load the last checkpoint in the game. 

Unfortunately, my system freezes in the title screen as well :c

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17 minutes ago, YasukeIto said:

Win10 says - "A critical threat has been detected. This is a dangerous program that executes the attacker's commands."

Silent Hill 4 The Room DLLIjector.exe - Trojan:Win32/Mamson.A!ml

VirusTotal - File - 8c320e825bbf7c25a563d849bec45998489b67c37da385cb27d8dbe700ef3df6


This has been the case for every DLLInjector.exe implementation so far and is a false positive. Either wait till a .dll implementation is released or add an exclusion to the game folder.

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With the patch installed, is the "Default" Brightness/Contrast option changed to PS2 defaults? I ask this because the default feels Brightness 3 and Contrast 5 (patched game) feels a bit too dark, it could just be me though. What about the recommended Brightness settings mentioned in the pcgw page? Is that tweak only for the unpatched game?


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I'm trying to run this mod on the steam deck, but I'm getting an error: "Unable to get RtlGetNtVersionNumbers, RtlImageNtHeaderEx or oNtTerminateProcess!" It's related to wine, but neither this thread or the greater internet has any suggestions for how to attack this. This may not be the best place for this question, but just in case anyone else had this issue or knows how to solve it, I was hoping they'd chime in here. Thanks.

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Hi, Steam006, first of all, thanks for the newest version of your patch and removing the necessity of DLLInjector.exe.

But I would like to suggest some updates that are not present in any of SH4's versions. And since GOG.com seems highly unlikely to patch the game anymore, maybe you could do something in the future (I took these suggestions from there, tbh);

  • Realtime shadows
  • Japanese support
  • That notorious ALT+TAB issue, I think people still can't enjoy the GOG version and have to go with the retail one.
  • Can the sensitivity settings for controllers when controlling the character/camera during first person/third person be aligned to the movement of analogs? For example, you push the analog just a bit and the camera moves at a slow pace.
  • Do you remember how the text font is faded and weak in PS2 (and possibly XBOX) version and how it is shadowy and vibrant in PC version? Well, the thing is, for some reason, I would like to be able to choose from these two font types from time to time, and I think other people would agree with me on that. It is not absolutely necessary, but a choice related to this would be nice. 


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11 minutes ago, Purgatory096 said:

Hi, Steam006, first of all, thanks for the newest version of your patch and removing the necessity of DLLInjector.exe.

But I would like to suggest some updates that are not present in any of SH4's versions. And since GOG.com seems highly unlikely to patch the game anymore, maybe you could do something in the future (I took these suggestions from there, tbh);

  • Realtime shadows
  • Japanese support
  • That notorious ALT+TAB issue, I think people still can't enjoy the GOG version and have to go with the retail one.
  • Can the sensitivity settings for controllers when controlling the character/camera during first person/third person be aligned to the movement of analogs? For example, you push the analog just a bit and the camera moves at a slow pace.
  • Do you remember how the text font is faded and weak in PS2 (and possibly XBOX) version and how it is shadowy and vibrant in PC version? Well, the thing is, for some reason, I would like to be able to choose from these two font types from time to time, and I think other people would agree with me on that. It is not absolutely necessary, but a choice related to this would be nice. 


Real time shadows? I believe SH4 uses the same shadow rendering system as SH2 and SH3 PC, it is just missing the "Soft" Shadow effect created by the PS2. 

To add to the list of suggestions:

-Fixed widescreen FOV for GOG versions. 

-2D UI elements widescreen fix like the SH3 patch. 

-Fixed Depth of field and other blur effects *IF* possible. 

-PS2-like soft shadows. As this isn't implemented in the SH3 patch I will assume it isn't possible at present but worth mentioning. 

-The ability for the "Continue" save states to persist after the game is closed. 

-*Experimental, I know this is very broken* A 60fps toggle.


Regardless, thank you Steam006 for the already amazing patch and best of luck. 

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So just finished SH4: The Room GOG version with this PC Fix and for the most part, it all went smooth.

Problems I've encountered:

1. Booting up the game, will randomly change the Brightness up by 1 (I played default with the PS2 fix and felt it was too dark and put it up by 1), then booting the game I noticed it was too bright and had to put it down by 1, etc.

2. Controls get funky sometimes. They'll just stop randomly working for a second. (using Xbox One controller) It worked good for a majority of the game.

3. When you beat the game and it starts the ending cutscene, the audio goes out for a second, then just comes back. (not sure why that happens)


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No idea why but this does absolutely nothing on my 21:9. Any ideas?

Edit: Tried on a retail copy but it did nothing either. sh4helper changes the fov but doesn't correct the aspect ratio. Strange.

Edit: This fix does actually seem to load, as I can use the wireframe and wallhack modes. The resolution works but is stretched and looks awful.

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