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MMORPG PC hardware info

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Hi, this is my 1st topic here and though i could get some insight on info about PC hardware and how it influences the MMORPG type games.


So i got 2 questions to that :


1) General : What is mostly required for a MMORPG to run at full speed ( FPS, no lag, good loading if it is instanced or open world) ? By this question I mean to what pieces of hardware should you look to change if you got problems with that, or what to upgrade if you feel the game is running slower for you. ( I know each games has it's requirements but I'm more interested in how each pieces helps the game :D ) 


2) Specific : My computer hardware is

I5 750 2.67 Ghz

Nvidia 560 from Palit ( i know that it has a bit of a shitty cooling)

MB Asus Maximus III Formula

8 GB RAM DDR3 1333 

a 450W source 

a 500GB HDD Sata ( its like 3 years old and don't know it's specs)


If i wanted to invest in changing the Hardware what should I buy and in what order to boost games for MMORPGs mostly . 

Currently i run GW2 at 30-61 FPS with almost all maxed out at 1440x900 Resolution ( depends on numbers of chars on screen).


Sry if i posted in the wrong section or anything and hope you can help :) . 


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No worries mate. We'll try and get you sorted out.


The CPU is older but still pretty solid. GPU is decent too.


The thing about MMO's is that most of them are pretty punishing on the CPU, while slightly less so on the GPU.


If you were looking to upgrade today, I'd invest in a higher end Haswell i5 CPU. I'd also invest in something like a Nvidia 760/770. And a new higher wattage Power supply to power it all. And if you can afford it, a SSD will speed up thing nicely.


In the end, it really depends on your budget. 


You could also try posting on reddit.com/r/buildapc and they could help you there too.

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Ty for the help  but since money is a issue at me XD i upgrade very slowly . So in your opinion should i 1st invest in a CPu i5 Haswell 1st or for example change my HDD with a SSD samsung pro for example , and invest in a graphic card later . Also I think my power source has like 4 years now but runs pretty good haven't had problems with it since i don't OC . I had in mind to go 1st for the SSD since i feel like my HDD might reach it's end , then change GPU ( since i dont have to change the MB for it) and lastly change my CPU+MB since i have to change both .



P.S: As i said because of money issues i can only upgrade piece by piece and wanted to know what route to take to improve my rig for MMORPGs ( since that is what i mostly play). 

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When upgrading the CPU remember to take into account the socket #; your motherboard supports 1156, haswell microarchitecture is on socket 1150 (something I want to upgrade to, but my MB requires an upgrade) and the previous is socket 1155 which is what I'm currently on. I wouldn't recommend an SSD early on, they're expensive and have a limited amount of capacity. You should focus on CPU and GFX. They're a nice benefit if you have the money, but if you don't caviar green/black will do just fine and black is the closest you could ever get to SSD speeds while being affordable.

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In that case, i would first upgrade your mobo and CPU first. The socket of your current CPU is no longer made, and a CPU upgrade will therefore entail a mobo upgrade as well.


If you want to stick with Intel, I'd get this i5: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-cpu-bx80646i54670k with this mobo: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-z87a


You could also save some money and go AMD CPU: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/amd-cpu-fd6300wmhkbox with this mobo: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-m5a97r20


After upgrading the CPU/mobo, then I would get a 600W or so PSU, something like this one: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/corsair-power-supply-cx600m


Then GPU. The Nvidia 770 is pretty solid: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-video-card-gvn760oc2gdrev20 or AMD 270X: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127760


The last upgrade should be the SSD. They are expensive.

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