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Staff Ruling for Article Edit Required


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I recently added a fixbox for running The Sims under Windows 10 to the game's article. Due to the necessity of DRM removal, I followed relevant site policy and mentioned the required fix without providing further instructions or links.

Ten minutes later, my revisions were removed with the edit note claiming "don't place general information *which is already handled at the top of this very article*". I object to this on these positions:

  1. It is kept general in order to follow site policy while still directing affected users towards a proper fix
  2. This issue is not in fact handled at the top of the article, as the mention of any type of fix is entirely omitted
  3. Due to the nature of this as a required fix in order to play legitimate copies of the game, it needs to be mentioned with other fixes

I personally spent longer than would otherwise be necessary trying to make my retail copy of The Sims: Complete Collection work due to the total lack of any fix information in this article, and strongly feel that a point in the right direction is necessary.

Thank you for your time.

EDIT: Just realized I put this in Development instead of Articles. My mistake. As there doesn't seem to be any user-facing way to move or delete the topic, I guess I'll leave it as is for now. Sorry.

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There's no real need to mention that a No-CD is needed for SafeDisc since we already populate a warning both at the top of the article, in the notes of the availability row, as well as below the availability row. That a No-CD/crack is required to bypass the disc check is therefor arguably heavily suggested and hinted at already.

It's a shame that the Simitone project seems abandoned and is marked as pre-release software with many unimplemented things and likely to crash or corrupt the save, as it means it's not really a good thing to recommend either.

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