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Add Visual Novel DB to the website links in the game info box


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Could we add Visual Novel Database (VNDB) links to the game info box?

There's a lot of visual novels on PCGamingWiki, but most of them don't have very fleshed out pages, often not having links to necisarry mods, patches and languages, all of which can usually be found on the VNDB. Including the link would make it esier for people who come to the wiki to find info but finding empty pages to be funneled to the right for the info they need.

The visual novels that do have had info added to them, such as Steins;gate, do have VNDB linked in the general information links, but I think it makes more sense to have that next to other databses like protondb, mobygames, etc.

The database's unique link identifier are pretty simple to impliment too, for example v93 or v21905 at the end of the website url.

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