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[SOLVED] TrackMania 2 blurry/low res textures with max settings


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I got the TrackMania 2 demo and all the textures are blurry/low res despite having all gfx options maxxed out. I had a similar problem with Nations Forever, but I fixed it by downgrading the game to a 2009 patch, opening Nadeo.ini and chaning the Distro to MILIN and then updating back to the latest version. Is there any fix for TrackMania 2? I have an AMD RX Vega 8 integrated GPU with the lowest amount of RAM dedicated to it and I use Windows 10 64bit.


Update: Cranking up the iGPU's RAM to 1GB in the BIOS fixes it, however this is not an ideal solution for me. Is there any way to fake VRAM info to force the game to load the high quality textures while I only have 64MB dedicated to the iGPU? I tried dgVoodoo2 but the game throws up a too low memory error.

Update 2: 512MB VRAM seems to be the minimum for the game to look good, however, the game still won't load the highest quality road textures, it needs more.


Update 3: I have solved the textures issues with 64MB VRAM. Here's what I did:

1). FULLY reinstalled the game WITHOUT launching it

2). Set the following compatibility options for "ManiaPlanetLauncher.exe", "ManiaPlanet64.exe" and "ManiaPlanet32.exe":

  -Windows 7 compatibility

  -Ticked "Disable fullscreen optimizations"

  -Set the high DPI scaling mode to "Application"

3). Changed the Distro to "MINIL" in Nadeo.ini

4). Opened the launcher, went to settings, Advanced, Compatibility and set the AGP usage to 100% and saved the changes

5). Closed the launcher, then reopened it and launched the game

That's it, that fixed it for me.

Edited by cuzbabytonight
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