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PC problem

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Hello, I have a fairly powerful pc, I use Windows 10 and I have
Intel Core i7-9700
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
So I must be able to play at least 99% of the games from the last 10 years without problem.

The problem with some games and a case with an old one (Glory of the Roman Empire)

The pc (I think the card) starts to accelerate and make a lot of noise.

For example, it happens to me in Jurrasic World Evolution, Strongold Warlords, Fortnite, etc.
In these cases, the pc makes a lot of noise and although I play ultra, the game works well for me, there is only the noise

In other modern games (like Gears Tactis) it does not happen to me or in other older games, so I do not think it is a hardware failure, since there is no broken sound or similar, only acceleration.

What do you think it can be and how to solve it?

I feel my bad English

All the best

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Use an frame rate limiter.

Without a frame rate limiter some older games will run unrestricted on the graphics card upwards of hundreds if not thousands of frames per seconds (FPS). This results in the fans on the card spinning up to keep the temperature down, and it can also result in what is known as "coil whine", where the components of the card "whines."

Coil whine differs between various models of cards, but it's not generally seen as something that indicates a broken card -- just one not manufactured with the best components.


Anyway, set a Max Frame Rate limit in Nvidia or AMD's control panel (depending on your card). The max frame rate should preferably be 60 FPS or whatever is the refresh rate of your monitor (for example 144 FPS). This will go a long way of minimizing noise caused by games running unrestricted.



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Interesting, I had not considered that possibility (it had not occurred to me)

I have limited the fps to 143 (at 59 it looks very choppy), and so far the tests have been good.

For example, in the Roma game, it no longer gives me any error, nor stronghold warlod

A Jurrasic World if I lower it if it leaves me, ultra continues to accelerate me. (It's all about finding a balance 🙂

I am much calmer, although I was 99% that it was not a hardware error because of the sound.

Thank you very much for your help friend.
The next beer I drink will do to your health.

All the best

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Just built a PC a couple of weeks ago and everything was fine so far. Started it up and have been gaming almost everyday with no problems. However, I have been playing games that may be considered easy to run such as CSGO and Valorant. Recently however, I tried to play GTA V and Apex Legends. I played fine with no issues but by the end of the day the monitor completely shut off, with the fans running really loud. I restarted my PC and everything was fine but now my monitors shut off once in a while ever since.

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