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DEATH STRANDING - does not support 32:9


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On 7/14/2020 at 10:30 PM, micke.hasselgren@telia.com said:

Can the FOV be fixed though? 

Sorry,  I'm new to this as I recently got a 32:9 monitor and been coming here for the community patches. 

Control for example turned out pretty flawless while The Outer Worlds got a funky FOV(in my opinion). 

So will this one ever be as good as Control? 

Follow the link and follow the instructions, or use an already fixed file

The fix doesn't work for cutscenes intro



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Why oh why do companies still use pre-rendered cutscenes?  I thought the whole reason console hardware kept improving was to render everything in real time, have developers become THIS lazy that they can't make an arbitrary scene run on console hardware, so they cheat it and create a bloated FMV?

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