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Sega GT PC 60fps hack, no good?


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As the PCGamingWiki page is saying, it seem like i can hack Sega GT, the PC version, to have 60fps instead of 30fps. So i've been trying to hack the SegaGT.exe with different HEX Editors (i tried 3 of them), and i couldn't find one that gives me the right offsets i need to modify, i tried searching for each of them and it's no good.

If it's possible, can anyone provide a SegaGT.exe with the 60fps hack already applied to it?


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WHAT seriously nobody replied? guess what I figured out how to make sega gt run 60fps. I used HxD hex editor and followed the instructions on pc gaming wiki. AND IT WORKS but there's one problem... the menus run too fast but when you get into a race it runs perfectly. I can't believe I'm replying to a 2 year old post so if you want the patched exe file here it is :) 


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